
Governance is the foundation of how we operate, ensuring decisions and actions are transparent, accountable, and in line with community values.

Through clear policies, access to public documents, and a commitment to open information, we strive to uphold trust and integrity. 

Here, you’ll find a list of our policies, guidance for Freedom of Information applications, details about Public Interest Disclosures, and more - providing a transparent view into the decisions that shape our region.

More policies relating to Councillors can be found on our Meet Your Council page.

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 [Vic] (FOI Act) provides the public with a general right to access documents in the possession of Council, subject to limited exceptions and exemptions.  

The FOI Act provides for access to documents held by Council, including those about your personal affairs. You can request that we amend incorrect or misleading personal information held about you.

We have published a Part II Statement in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1982 [Vic]. The statement is separated into the following sections:

  • Organisation and Functions of Council
  • Categories of Documents held by Council
  • Freedom of Information Arrangements
  • Publicity Material
  • Rules, Policies and Procedures
  • Report Literature

Please refer to "Statement 3 - Freedom of Information Arrangements" in the Part II Statement for detailed information about how to make an FOI request, including the types of documents that are available, and relevant fees and charges.  

Further information is also available in the Freedom of Information application form. Please note it is not mandatory that you use the FOI application form, however the request must be in writing, be accompanied by the application fee (or evidence of qualification to have the fee waived or reduced), and clearly describe the documents being requested.  

Please note, if the application is being made by a legal representative, we will require a signed authorisation showing that the client has authorised the legal representative to make the request on their behalf, communicated with Council in relation to the request, and received copies of any documents released by Council.

FOI resources for individuals are available from the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner.

Documents Available for Public Inspection

Our Public Transparency Policy provides for certain information to be made available to the public, subject to limitations. Much of the information is available via our website, with some additional information available upon request. 

Requests for documents outside those itemised in section 3.1 of the Public Transparency Policy must be made via a Freedom of Information application.

The following documents are available for public inspection in accordance with sections 11 and 47 of the Local Government Act 2020 and section 224 of the Local Government Act 1989.   

  • A register of delegations from Council to members of a delegated committee, or the Chief Executive Officer, under section 11 of the Local Government Act 2020;
  • A register of delegations from the Chief Executive Officer to a member of Council staff; or the members of a Community Asset Committee, under section 47 of the Local Government Act 2020;
  • A register of authorised officers appointed under section 224 of the Local Government Act 1989.

Documents are available for inspection at the Council office in Bright. The documents may be viewed but not removed, and some are available online. If you wish to view any of these documents, please contact the Governance Officer to make an appointment during office hours.

Public Interest Disclosures

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012 [Vic] (PID Act) ensures that people who report improper conduct in the Victorian public sector (whistleblowers) can do so in the knowledge that they will be protected. Protections include keeping the identity of the person reporting improper conduct confidential and protecting them from reprisals including bullying, harassment or legal action.  

We are committed to the aims and objectives of the PID Act. We do not tolerate improper conduct by our employees, officers, or members, nor the taking of reprisals against those who come forward to disclose such conduct.

We recognise the value of transparency and accountability in our administrative and management practices and support the making of disclosures that reveal improper conduct, conduct involving a substantial mismanagement of public resources, or conduct involving a substantial risk to public health and safety or the environment.

We will take all reasonable steps to protect people who make such disclosures from any detrimental action in reprisal for making the disclosure.  We will also afford natural justice to the person who is the subject of the disclosure.

Who can make a public interest disclosure?

Any person who believes they have reasonable grounds that Council, a Councillor, or a Council employee has engaged in, is engaging in, or is planning to engage in improper conduct or detrimental action can make a disclosure.

A disclosure may be made by an individual or group of individuals and can be anonymous. 

Who do I make a public interest disclosure to?

We will take all reasonable steps to protect people who come forward with information about improper practices. Such conduct can be reported confidentially to our Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator, Nathalie Cooke, Director Corporate and Community on 03 5755 0555 or via email to

Disclosures concerning an Alpine Shire Councillor MUST be made directly to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) or to the Victorian Ombudsman.

Disclosures concerning Council or a Council employee can be made to the following:

Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator at Alpine Shire Council

Nathalie Cooke, Director Corporate and Community

03 5755 0555

Written disclosures made to our Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator must be in a sealed envelope, clearly marked "CONFIDENTIAL - Attention Nathalie Cooke", and hand delivered to the Council office at 2 Churchill Avenue, Bright, or via post to PO Box 139, Bright VIC 3741.

More information can be found in our Public Interest Disclosures Policy or by contacting IBAC.  

Citizenship Ceremonies

We hold citizenship ceremonies in January and throughout the year, when required.

If you want to become an Australian citizen, you will need to apply through the Department of Home Affairs.

Statutory Declarations

Personal Interests Returns

Sections 133 and 134 of the Local Government Act 2020 requires specified persons to lodge initial and biannual personal interests returns, containing the matters prescribed by the Local Government (Governance and Integrity) Regulations 2020.  Specified persons include the Chief Executive Officer and Councillors. Officers nominated by the CEO must also submit returns - these nominations will be monitored and expanded as required.  

Biannual returns will be completed in March and September each year, with the most recent biannual return shown on the website. Where a Councillor or member of Council staff has resigned, these Personal Interest Returns are removed from the public summary, but are retained in Council's records.

In accordance with s135 of the Local Government Act 2020, the current summary of personal interests returns is available to download.

Election Campaign Donation Returns

Section 306 of the Local Government Act 2020 requires persons who stood as a candidate in the 2024 Council elections to submit an election campaign donation return to the Chief Executive Officer.

The return contains the details of any gifts received during the donation period, by the candidate or on behalf of the candidate, to be used for or in connection with the election campaign. This must include the amount or value of which is equal to or exceeds the gift disclosure threshold ($500), or being goods or services to the amount of which is equal to or exceeds the gift disclosure threshold.

In accordance with sections 307 and 308 of the Local Government Act 2020, a summary of the election campaign donation returns from each candidate in the 2020 Council elections is available to download.

The summary must remain on our website until the entitlement date for the Council elections to be held in 2028.