The Alpine Shire Council is made up of seven elected representatives. Together, they govern the Alpine Shire.
Mayoral elections are held each year. After each election, the former Mayor and Deputy Mayor revert to their general Councillor roles.
Councils consist of elected members (democractically elected Councillors) and the administration (Council Officers).
Councillors are elected by their community every four years. They participate in the decision making of Council, representing the interest of the municipality.
Council Officers are employees who are overseen by the Chief Executive Officer to provide operation delivery of council services and projects.
Cr Sarah Nicholas
Ph: 0437 292 744
Cr Sarah Nicholas has lived in Wandiligong since 1997. She visited and worked in the mountains of this beautiful area for many years before making it her home with her partner and two children.
Sarah’s community work includes establishing a sustainability group in Upper Ovens, removing seeding willows from The Diggings in Wandiligong, contributing to start-up of the first Landcare group in Upper Ovens, and involvement in local sporting and education committees over the years. She has also volunteered with not-for-profit groups that support youth and local disabled people. She is a current committee member of the Upper Ovens Valley Landcare Group and member of Sustainable Upper Ovens.
With a B Agric Sc and Masters in Environmental Law, Business and Management, Sarah has significant experience in leadership, governance, strategic planning, and community engagement. Amongst her leadership roles, Sarah has served as Chair of the North East Catchment Management Authority (NECMA) and Chair and Deputy Chair of several Murray Darling Basin and State water-focussed ministerial advisory committees. She led the Mt Hotham Ski Patrol for a number of years and has worked as a project manager across the region. She still loves working with the Ski Patrol in winter.
Sarah is an active, outdoors person who loves to be in and understand the natural environment, and is focussed on how to live more sustainably.
Sarah sees her role on Council as a way to ensure continued good governance and forward planning so that communities can be engaged, encouraged, included, and supported to achieve great long-term outcomes for local areas, and the Alpine Shire as a whole. She encourages community members to share their visions, ideas, and concerns with her and the Council team.

Cr Peter Smith
Deputy Mayor
Ph: 0459 103 384
Cr Peter Smith is a lifelong Wandiligong local, having lived in the region for 55 years. It is also where he brought up his three children, who also live in the local area. He is passionate about the people, the lifestyle, the fantastic non-profit groups, and the service clubs of Alpine shire
Peter has run a business for 25 years in the Alpine Shire in the lending and financial services field and is now semi-retired as he takes up his role as Councillor. He has degrees in finance and financial planning.
Peter has been actively involved in many sporting groups and also volunteers in many community events and service clubs across the Alpine Shire.
Giving back to a community that’s been very good to him is what inspired Peter to become a Councillor, now that he has the time to dedicate himself to the role.
Peter has a proactive approach to issues in his community and the Alpine Shire more broadly, preferring to get on and do something about them so as to have a positive influence in his local region.
In his role as Councillor, Peter will listen to the issues presented within the community to make informed decisions and work towards the best possible outcomes for the majority. He encourages community members to reach out with ideas, feedback, or concerns.

Cr John Andersen
Ph: 0429 072 131
Cr John Andersen has called Bright home for a decade, along with his wife and two sons, who attend Bright P-12 College.
Drawn to the area's natural beauty and outdoor lifestyle, he values the strong sense of community that comes with living in the Alpine Shire.
A carpenter with 15 years of experience in the construction industry, John takes a practical, hands-on approach to problem-solving.
He is also deeply involved in local sport, serving as president of the Bright Junior Football Club and assistant coach at the Myrtleford and District Basketball Club.
Passionate about community, he is committed to ensuring the region remains a thriving, sustainable place for future generations.

Cr Gareth Graham
Ph: 0429 055 456
Cr Gareth Graham moved to Myrtleford with his family in 1998, after securing a role as the Paramedic Team Manager with Ambulance Victoria. In this role, he developed a passion for the community while assisting people in their time of need and helping them return to productive lives.
Gareth has been actively involved in community groups throughout his time in the local area, including Rotary and Scouts. He has previously been a member of the Rotary Overseas Youth Exchange Committee.
A lifelong learner, Gareth has multiple qualifications across a variety of fields, including paramedics, emergency management, frontline management, government, and occupational health and safety. Now retired, his interests include permaculture, apiculture, off-grid living, and spending time at Mount Buffalo.
Gareth was inspired to become a Councillor when looking for a challenge to occupy his retirement. He felt invigorated to pursue this new direction by returning to the community and inspiring others. As a Councillor, Gareth's interests include health, youth participation, and sustainable living. His number one goal is to improve the results of the Community Satisfaction Survey.
Gareth wants to hear from residents and ratepayers about their positive experiences with Council, as well as any concerns they may have.

Cr Noah Tanzen
Ph: 0447 648 726
Cr Noah Tanzen has proudly lived in Tawonga South for most of his life. Having grown up in the area, he has developed a natural passion for the outdoors, spending his time running, hiking, exploring, and flying gliders over this amazing landscape.
Noah currently works with Forest Fire Management Victoria, which aligns with his passion for emergency management and community resilience. Alongside this role, Noah also volunteers with the CFA, and has done so for over five years.
Noah has been involved in a number of community committees, including the Kiewa Valley Community Recovery Group, the Alpine Resilience Partnership, and the Resilient Alpine Youth Squad. Through these initiatives, Noah has fostered a solid community network built on a passion for the Alpine Shire.
Noah was inspired to become a Councillor so that he can continue working with the community to create a better, more resilient Alpine Shire. Through his relationships with individuals, businesses, and organisations across the region, Noah has developed a strong understanding of the challenges we all face as small communities.
During his term, Noah hopes to drive a positive and sensible way forward for the people of the Alpine Shire with new and open-minded areas that includes members from all communities.
Noah encourages community members to contact him freely with any ideas, concerns, or issues preferably via email or text.

Cr Dave Byrne
Ph: 0467 968 752
Cr Dave Byrne moved to Myrtleford over a decade ago with his wife and children to own and operate a local, family-owned business. A community-minded person, Dave has enjoyed the journey integrating into the vibrant community of Myrtleford.
Dave joined the Lions Club soon after moving to the area and has great pride in supporting the community alongside his fellow members. Through his business, Dave also sponsors local clubs to help sustain their great work, including football/netball, soccer, golf, bowls, and tennis.
Dave is a keen learner, which is reflected in his educational history. Beginning with a degree in Economics and Marketing, he transitioned into the banking sector prior to starting his own small business in outdoor media. He then returned to study for a postgraduate degree in occupational health and safety to assist with his business.
As a Councillor, Dave looks forward to using his experience and training to advocate for stronger support for small businesses, which he knows are vital for the economy of the Alpine Shire. His passions also extend to ensuring efficient and responsive delivery of core services to improve the quality of life for all residents.
Dave encourages community members to share their ideas, thoughts, and concerns via email or phone.

Cr Jean-Pierre Ronco
Ph: 0429 061 136
Cr Jean-Pierre Ronco has been enjoying life in the Alpine Shire and its communities since 2014. Like many members of the community, he visited this beautiful region many times for holidays with his wife, family, and friends before deciding to settle here.
Professionally, Jean-Pierre has worked in the locksmith industry for over 20 years. Firstly in France, where he managed the family business, and in Australia, where he worked for the main locksmith supplier for the Pacific region. It was in 2014 that Jean-Pierre embraced a new career as a professional photographer, which coincided with moving to the Alpine Shire. Once here, he realised that locksmiths were in short supply and opened a second business to service the community's needs for locksmithing.
Jean-Pierre has held positions in the community as a member of the Bright & District Chamber of Commerce and the Bright Spring Festival Committee. He has also previously served as President of the Wandi Nut Festival. Jean-Pierre is currently a member of both the Bright Autumn Festival Committee and the Alpine Cycling Club.
After many years of volunteering within the community alongside some amazing community-minded people, Jean-Pierre was inspired to put his skills to good use as a Councillor. He hopes that, together with residents across the Alpine Shire, he can develop a meaningful and ongoing dialogue that leads to a unified and engaged community, where everyone feels a sense of belonging. He encourages residents to reach out with their ideas and concerns.