The Alpine Shire's first Tip Shop is located at the Myrtleford Transfer Station and will be open from Thursday, 6 March 2025 from 11am - 2pm on Tuesdays, Thursday, Saturdays, and Sundays.
Community members are able donate and purchase secondhand goods at the Alpine Shire's very first tip shop, located at the Myrtleford Transfer Station.
The Alpine Tip Shop is a physical retail outlet where people are invited to donate and purchase items otherwise destined for landfill, including building materials, small kitchen appliances, and furniture.
How do I donate to the Alpine Tip Shop?
- When you arrive, wait in your vehicle until you are greeted by staff at the office, near the entry of the Transfer Station.
- Show Transfer Station staff the items you would like to donate to the Alpine Tip Shop. Transfer Station staff will determine the suitability of the items based on the criteria listed on this page and staff discretion. You must pay for any items that are deemed unacceptable for the Alpine Tip Shop as per other Transfer Station loads.
- If you have any electrical items, please unload these in the e-waste shed in the designated Alpine Tip Shop area to be tested and tagged prior to sale.
- For all other donations, proceed around the Transfer Station to the Alpine Tip Shop by following the directional signage and parking in the designated bays.
- You can unload all accepted items, excluding electrical items, at the Alpine Tip Shop according to instructions provided by Transfer Station staff.
- All items not accepted for the Alpine Tip Shop are to be unloaded at the relevant bins and stockpiles according to instructions provided by Transfer Station staff.
What items will be accepted?
The following items will be accepted at the Alpine Tip Shop:
Building materials
- Large pieces of timber with no nails, screws, or paint
- Large pieces of tin, corrugated iron, and Colorbond with no rust or damage
- Metal baths, sinks, and basins
- Opened boxes of unused nails or screws
- Undamaged boxes of tiles
Furniture items
- Excludes mattresses
Sports equipment
Mechanical items (untested, but with verbal confirmation that items work)
- Tools
- Petrol lawnmowers and whipper snippers
Electronic items (in working order, to be tested and tagged prior to sale)
- Electronic tools
- Small kitchen appliances, including kettles and toasters
- TVs
All items for donation must be cleaned of dust and grease. Reasonable wear and tear is acceptable.
Transfer Station staff will determine the suitability of the items based on the above criteria and staff discretion. You must pay for any items that are deemed unacceptable for the Alpine Tip Shop as per other Transfer Station loads.
What items will not be accepted?
The following items are not acceptable at the Alpine Tip Shop:
Crockery, cutlery, and glassware
Mattresses and bedding
Non-functional electrical and mechanical items
Older TVs and appliances, such as CRT TVS
Items that require mandatory safety standard certification, such as:
- Helmets
- Life jackets
- Baby car seats
- Climbing equipment
- Fire extinguishers
- Medical equipment
Items may be rejected for the following reasons:
- Alpine Tip Shop is at full capacity
- There is an overstock of particular item/s
- Item/s for donation are broken, dirty, mouldy, or rusty
- There is detectable mould on the item/s
- Furniture has rips or tears in the fabric
- Item/s are missing parts
- Item/s are very old or modified
- Item/s do not meet current standards
All items for donation must be cleaned of dust and grease. Reasonable wear and tear is acceptable.
Transfer Station staff will determine the suitability of the items based on the above criteria and staff discretion. You must pay for any items that are deemed unacceptable for the Alpine Tip Shop as per other Transfer Station loads.
How do I purchase from the Alpine Tip Shop?
- When you arrive, wait in your vehicle until you are greeted by staff at the office, near the entry of the Transfer Station.
- Inform Transfer Station staff that you are purchasing from the Alpine Tip Shop. Staff have a right to check that there is nothing in the vehicle that may be illegally dumped at the Transfer Station.
- Proceed around the Transfer Station to the Alpine Tip Shop by following the directional signage and parking in the designated bays.
- Browse the selection on display!
- When you find item/s that you would like to buy, advise a member of staff either in person or by using the Alpine Tip Shop intercom.
- Complete the transaction with the member of staff.
- Load item/s into your car.
- Take your goods home and enjoy!
Please note that all electrical items have been tested and tagged, all items purchased from the Alpine Tip Shop are sold as is, and we take no responsibility for the items after purchase.
Please note that prices are subject to change and some or all of these items listed in the price list may be unavailable at the Alpine Tip Shop at any given time.
Frequently asked questions
The Alpine Tip Shop was supported by Round 3 of the Circular Economy Councils Fund, delivered by Sustainability Victoria under the Victorian Government’s circular economy policy - Recycling Victoria: A new economy.
Myrtleford Transfer Station was chosen for the location of the Alpine Shire's first Tip Shop because it was found to have the largest space without significantly impacting the existing operations of the Transfer Station.
A number of third parties have been approached to operate the Alpine Tip Shop. While conversations are ongoing, we will look after initial operations through our Transfer Station staff. Once the Alpine Tip Shop is operationally viable, we will continue discussions to secure a not-for-profit third party, such as a social enterprise or charity, to take over the operation.
Proceeds from the Alpine Tip Shop contribute to the operational cost of the Transfer Stations across the Alpine Shire.
Cost savings are also passed on to the community via the waste management charge.
Unfortunately, at the moment, items must be taken to Myrtleford Transfer Station for resale at the Alpine Tip Shop.
Pending success and demand for the Alpine Tip Shop, there may be an opportunity to offer this service in the future.
We take no responsibility for the items after purchase and cannot offer refunds for purchases.
The nature of a Tip Shop is that items are sold as is, which is reflected in their low prices. While all electrical items are tested and tagged prior to resale for safety reasons, we do not guarantee their full functionality.
There are a range of reasons, including that the Alpine Tip Shop may be at capacity. As this is our first Tip Shop in the Alpine Shire, the volume of saleable items is unknown.
To ensure the operation is not unmanageable for both staff and the facility, only items identified as likely to be purchased are being accepted at the moment. Pending the success of the Alpine Tip Shop, we intend to expand the number of donations at a manageable rate.
Other reasons include:
- There is an overstock of particular item/s
- Item/s for donation are broken, dirty, mouldy, or rusty
- There is detectable mould on the item/s
- Furniture has rips or tears in the fabric
- Item/s are missing parts
- Item/s are very old or modified
- Item/s do not meet current standards