Data and Resources

This page provides a range of resources designed to help small business owners grow and develop their businesses. 

There is a suite of information available to assist the community and businesses to make informed decisions. 

The material available can assist with information needed when applying for grants and developing targeted business material reflective of our local economy and community profiles. 

Hume Regional Growth Plan 

The Hume Regional Growth Plan is one of eight regional growth plans across Victoria. 

It provides a broad direction for regional land use and development as well as high level planning frameworks and the means to implement the strategic land use and infrastructure that are set out in Regional Strategic Plans. 

This plan will assist you to frame our local economy, community and your business in relation to the development of the region. 

To learn more about the Hume Region visit Regional Development Victoria's website. Here you will also find contact details for the local office located in Wangaratta. 

Department of Transport and Planning

The Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) provides data tables projecting population growth to 2051. This information can assist in forecasting future demand for your business. 

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action 

The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) provide information on townships over time with time series data from 1981 to 2016 (using the enumerated population). 

Australian Bureau of Statistics

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) makes township data available for populations of 50 people or more. The 2021 Census results, a comprehensive snapshot of our country, was released between June 2022 to mid-2023. 

This data will assist you in profiling our region by detailing the local narrative compared to historical data, telling a story of how we are changing over time. 

Another useful tool developed by the ABS to advocate for our community is the Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) which provides an Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (IRSD) via an interactive map.

The ABS offers QuickStats which are a simple way to understand an area including data on persons, families and dwellings. QuickStats can be used to source data for the Alpine Shire and individual townships. For in-depth information about our community, visit the Alpine Shire community profile. 


Tourism North East

Tourism North East (TNE) is our regional tourism body representing the region we are located in known as Victoria's High Country. 

Through the TNE portal you can explore all the attributes that make Victoria's High Country truly unique and understand the position of the Alpine Shire in the region. 

As part of their visitation information they provide fact sheets summarising the latest tourism data for Victoria's High Country. 

Over the years, TNE have developed a catalogue of information allowing you to compare against previous years and benchmark the region's development.

Alpine Shire Travel Snapshots

Further assisting you to understand the role tourism plays in the Alpine Shire and the High Country, the Economic Development team have produced a local tourism fact sheet. 

Starting in 2016 our fact sheets now extend to 2022 aiding to tell our Alpine story.

Small Business Victoria Workshops 

All Small Business Victoria workshops are specifically designed for Victorian-based businesses. Explore topics on starting your business, building resilience, marketing, finance, taking your business online and business planning. 

The Small Business Bus travels throughout Victoria and offers mentoring sessions in-person. Keep an eye out on the Small Business Victoria portal for dates, locations and times.

Visit Small Business Victoria to find a workshop at a time that suits you.