Our Customer Service Centre in Bright, as well as our libraries in Bright, Mount Beauty and Myrtleford, will be closed on Monday, 27 January 2025. We'll be back open as usual as of Tuesday, 28 January 2025. 

Additional Support for Waste Services

Residents experiencing challenges with the reduced waste bin collection under the new FOGO service can request a larger bin or apply for special consideration if they meet eligibility criteria.

We understand that the reduced frequency of waste bin collection associated with the FOGO service may cause issues for households that generate unavoidable waste beyond the capacity of an 80-litre waste bin collected fortnightly.

Residents are able to request an increased waste bin size, at an increased cost. However, with the introduction of FOGO, we believe there will be a significant decrease in general rubbish. 

We encourage all residents to trial the new three bin system before requesting a larger general waste bin.

Application for special consideration

Special consideration may be given to residents to have the fees associated with upgrading to a 240-litre waste bin waived if they meet the defined eligibility requirements. 

Please note that eligible residents will continue to be charged for an 80-litre bin as well as their FOGO and recycling bin. 

These requests are to be made in writing via My Alpine with justification as to the need for the altered service. If granted, all associated charges must be accepted. 

Who is eligible?

Households can apply for a special consideration only if they meet one or more of the following criteria: 

  • There are two or more children in daytime nappies living in the household
  • One or more member/s of the household has a medical condition which generates excess waste

Each request is assessed individually. Application for this special consideration does not guarantee approval. 

How can I apply?

Complete the application form via My Alpine. In the Any other information you wish to provide section, specify that you are applying for a special consideration and identify the criteria that you are applying against.   

To qualify under the above conditions, proof of eligibility for this special consideration will need to be sighted. Proof can include:  

  • For nappies - proof of birth with children’s date of birth, name, and address (other information can be omitted);
  • For a medical condition - a note from a general practitioner or a medical certificate advising that treatment of the specific condition involves significant additional waste for the household. You do not need to specify the medical condition; or
  • A statutory declaration stating that you qualify for special consideration under either of the above 2 conditions and that you agree to abide by all of the conditions of the special consideration, as stated in this form.

Please note that all personal information provided to us for the purpose of this special consideration will not be retained. 

Please provide the supporting documentation to us:

In person: 

  • Bright Council Office, 2 Churchill Avenue, Bright
  • Myrtleford Library Customer Service Centre, Cnr Standish St and O’Donnell Avenue, Myrtleford
  • Mount Beauty Library Customer Service Centre, Lakeside Avenue, Mount Beauty

By post:

Alpine Shire Council, PO Box 139, Bright VIC 3741

Via email:



By accepting the offer of this special consideration, you acknowledge that we, or a service provider contracted by us, can audit your general waste bin at any time. 

You also acknowledge that the contents of your bin can be examined and recorded by our service provider at the time of collection. 

This information is periodically provided to us to ensure compliance with all conditions of our waste and recycling collection services. 

What can I do if my request for special consideration is denied?

If your application is unsuccessful, we will let you know the reason why and you may choose to resubmit your application with further information or documentation.

You can still select to have a bigger bin, but you will be required to pay any applicable charges for that bin.  

What if my circumstances change?

One of the conditions of special consideration requires that you notify us if your circumstances change. This includes moving from your current premises or a variation in your health/family status or if your child/ren no longer wears daytime nappies. 

Misuse of this service, such as not notifying us of circumstance changes or repeat contamination, may result in withdrawal of the special rate against the service.  

How long is my special consideration valid for?

Special considerations are approved for a 12-month period only and are reassessed at the rating period at the end of each financial year. 

Should you require an extension to your special consideration, you will be asked to re-apply. 

All bins supplied by us must be used in accordance with our Waste Services Policy.