Council's Mapping System: We have moved from Intramaps to our new Geographical Information System (GIS) AlpineMaps (Esri). Access to the old GIS system Intramaps will be turned off in January 2025 and the data stored within Intramaps will not been maintained.

Early Childhood Services & Kindergartens

There are a range of kindergarten and early childhood services available for families across the Alpine Shire.

These services support children's growth and development, providing quality care and learning opportunities in a nurturing environment. Whether you're looking for preschool programs or early learning centres, there are options to suit your family's needs.

Early Childhood Services

Alpine Children’s Services (ACS) is a not-for-profit organisation providing high quality early years education and care services for children aged 0-5 years old throughout the Alpine Shire. Services include the provision of long day care, child care, family day care and pre-school / kindergarten programs.

ACS manages:

  • Alpine Family Day Care at locations throughout the Alpine Shire
  • Alpine View Children's Centre in Bright
  • Lake View Children's Centre in Mount Beauty
  • Mountain View Children’s Centre in Myrtleford
  • Outside School Hours Care in Bright and Myrtleford
  • Tawonga Kindergarten


Kindergarten is a crucial stage in any young child’s life; delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher, these programs nurture, teach and prepare children for the next step in their educational journey – primary school.

From 2021, all kindergartens in the Alpine Shire will be offering State Government subsided programs for three and four-year-old kindergarten, including Early Start Kindergarten (ESK). Children who turn three by 30 April 2021 can now access up to 15 hours a week of funded three-year-old kinder.  For further information on the kindergarten programs and initiatives available in Victoria, including ESK, please visit

The Alpine Shire Council supports the delivery of kindergarten services by providing community infrastructure and the Kindergarten Central Registration (CKR) for participating kindergartens. The CKR is administered by Alpine Children’s Services on behalf of the Council.  The CKR will make access to a kindergarten place equitable, simple and consistent for families. It allows kindergarten places to be allocated equitably to eligible children; making sure they are in line with the Department of Education and Training (DET) requirements including the Priority of Access Guidelines. The aggregate data collected from the CKR will assist in planning and development of local services for families and children. 

Kindergarten enrolments throughout the Alpine Shire generally open in September. Families can register their interest by visiting

**Please note that Harrietville Bush Kinder is not part of the CKR. Contact the kindergarten directly for enrolments. 

Kindergarten and Children's Centre details


Mountain View Children’s Centre
Cnr of Prince and Duke Streets
Myrtleford VIC 3737
Ph: (03) 5752 2111


Alpine View Children’s Centre
23 Deacon Ave
Bright VIC 3741
Ph: (03) 5750 1367

Mount Beauty

Lake View Children’s Centre
Cnr of Reserve Dr and Lakeside Ave
Mount Beauty VIC 3699
Ph: (03) 5754 4848

Tawonga Kindergarten
Cnr of Reserve Dr and Lakeside Ave
Mount Beauty VIC 3699
Ph: (03) 5754 4848

Falls Creek

Falls Creek Child Care Services
17 Bogong High Plains Rd
Falls Creek VIC 3699
Ph: (03) 5758 3311


Harrietville Bush Kinder 
165 Great Alpine Rd
Harrietville VIC 3741
Ph: (03) 5759 2533
(Contact directly for enrolments)