Preparing your Planning Application

Residents and businesses in Alpine Shire now have a streamlined way to interact with Alpine Shire Council's Planning Team, thanks to Greenlight - our new new online planning portal. 

Step 1: Do your research

Read relevant property and planning policies that may affect your plans.

You should:

  • visit the Landata website Home page ( to get a copy of the Certificate of Title
  • get a property report from Vic Plan to check zoning, overlays and heritage controls
  • read the Alpine Planning Scheme to learn how land can be used and developed
  • check requirements for developing on smaller lots
  • check requirements for building on overlays Planning - Planning.
  • Alpine Shire most commonly has Bushfire Management Overlays - you can find all the information you need on requirements here
  • For Heritage, Bushfire and Flooding prone zones you can also find out more information here

Step 2: Get professional advice

Contact industry professionals for technical advice, such as design or planning consultants.

This helps you understand whether your proposal will need a Planning Permit.

Step 3: Complete a site analysis

Think about the constraints and opportunities of the site.

Talk to neighbours and adjoining property owners. If they are unhappy with your plans, you may be able to compromise before you apply.

Prepare a site description that includes:

  • the characteristics of the site and area
  • elements on your site and surrounding properties, such as buildings and trees.

If your works involve building extensions, you need to include exact boundary dimensions. We recommend you use a surveyor.

Step 4: Prepare your plans

Your plans should be drawn to scale and include:

  • existing and new buildings
  • floor levels and site levels
  • floor plans and elevations
  • any earthworks and vegetation that you plan to remove
  • how you plan to integrate landscaping into the development
  • a design response.

Your design response indicates:

  • how your plans respond to the context of the site and surrounding areas
  • opportunities and constraints of the site.

Step 5: Have a query with Council about your planning permit needs. 

If you need further advice before lodging your application you can make contact with Council via a General Enquiry request on our Planning Application Portal. 

We can:

  • give you advice about your application
  • highlight any potential issues to resolve.

Note: You must still submit an application for a Planning Permit, separate to this meeting.


Step 6: Finalise your plans

Weigh up the feedback you get from us, professionals and your neighbours.

Review your plans and incorporate any changes that you think are reasonable.

Finalise your documents, including:

  • site plans
  • neighbourhood and site description
  • design response.

Now you're ready to submit your application via our Planning Application Portal. 

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