Access useful forms and guides to help you with your planning application in the Alpine Shire.
Frequently asked questions
VicSmart is a streamlined assessment process for straightforward planning applications.
Learn more about VicSmart and find out if you qualify for a VicSmart track by visiting the Department of Transport and Planning.
A planning permit will expire when a development, a use, or subdivision approved by that planning permit is not carried out within the specified timeframes stated on the planning permit.
These timeframes are usually set out in a condition of the permit. The timeframes specify dates for commencing and completing the requirements of the permit.
To extend a permit, you must complete an extension of time request via Greenlight - our planning application portal.
A request can be made to extend these timeframes:
- Before the permit expires, or
- Within 6 months after the permit expires, or
- Within 12 months after the permit expires if the development lawfully commenced before the expiry date and you wish to extend the time to complete the development. Evidence to show works have commenced may be requested by the Statutory Planning Officer assessing the application.