Council's Mapping System: We have moved from Intramaps to our new Geographical Information System (GIS) AlpineMaps (Esri). Access to the old GIS system Intramaps will be turned off in January 2025 and the data stored within Intramaps will not been maintained.


Council invites competitive tenders for current projects, ensuring a fair and transparent process in line with legislation and procurement guidelines.

Council invites companies to make competitive offers on the below tenders.

The tender documents have more detail on how to prepare your submission. Please register your details so we may contact you if there are changes to the tender document.

Our tendering process is conducted in accordance with legislation and Council’s Purchasing and Contracts Procedural Manual which aims to: 

  • Encourage a competitive market
  • Ensure contractors are protected from unfair market practices
  • Enable impartial evaluation of tenders
  • Provide all prospective contractors and suppliers with a fair and an equal opportunity to submit tenders
  • Ensure all contractors meet statutory and legislative requirements
  • Ensure the goods, works or services procured are of appropriate quality and represents best value for Council

Tender Tips

Carefully read the Conditions of Tendering. This section of the tender document contains vital information about how your tender response should be prepared. If you don’t follow these instructions your bid may be disqualified as non-compliant.

Don't be complacent when responding to a tender, even if you are the incumbent supplier always present your best solution and provide the strongest response you can.

Tips on Presentation

  • Obtain the word version of the schedules for easy completion
  • Complete all the schedules
  • Read evaluation criteria carefully
  • Ensure that where signatures and dates are required they are provided
  • Check accuracy of all pricing schedules and do a spell check

For assistance or a hard copy of any documentation please contact Council.

Current Tenders

Current tenders can be downloaded below and are free of charge. 

To download a tender:

  1. View our current tenders below.
  2. Click on the download box next to the tender you wish to download.
  3. Register your details (this step is required so you can be notified should there be any changes to the tender documents).