Alpine Shire Council has progressed with the Myrtleford Memorial Hall Renewal Project, which will see the iconic building reactivated to become an inclusive and accessible community space.
In June 2024, Council allocated additional funds towards the renewal, allowing for further upgrades that had originally been scoped out of the project due to budget constraints.
At the January 2025 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council awarded external and internal works to Joss Facility Management Pty Ltd.
Due to the age of the building, the Hall had some design and construction challenges that had to be solved to ensure that the building was brought up to modern construction standard and equipped for varied future use.
Major works include the construction of a new Visitor Information Centre, accessible amenities, improved stage access, a new automated accessible entrance, entrance ramp, and accessible paved courtyard.
Alpine Shire Mayor, Cr Sarah Nicholas, congratulated the teams involved in progressing this important project.
"The Myrtleford Memorial Hall holds precious memories for many people," she said.
"It is wonderful to see that, despite setbacks during the lifespan of the project, it is now moving towards once again being a usable and valuable facility for the Myrtleford community.
"We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Community Reference Group for their ongoing support to ensure that the Myrtleford Memorial Hall reflected the needs of its users."
For more information about the Myrtleford Memorial Hall Renewal Project, including the history of construction, visit