Asphalt and resealing works will begin in the Myrtleford area on Tuesday, 11 March, with works scheduled to take place over a two-week period.
These essential works will improve road conditions and safety for the community. Traffic management will be in place, and some minor delays should be expected. Affected residents and businesses will receive advance notification.
Two of our facilities will be impacted during these works.
The Myrtleford Transfer Station will be closed from 12 midday on Tuesday, 11 March, reopening with normal operating hours on Thursday, 13 March.
The Myrtleford Library carpark works will take place on Wednesday, 12 March, and Thursday, 13 March. Disruptions will be minimal, but there will be some noise and machinery on-site for short periods over both days.
For those visiting the Library, alternate parking and pedestrian access will be provided while the carpark is being resurfaced.
We appreciate the community’s patience as we complete these important works.