Council votes to object to Dederang BESS proposal

Alpine Shire Council resolved to submit a letter of objection to Mint Renewable's planning proposal for a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in Dederang at last night's meeting.

26 February 2025
Statutory Planning

While the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) is the responsible authority for assessing and determining the outcome of the planning applications, Council has been invited by DTP to submit feedback under Section 52 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.   

Council will now prepare and submit a letter of objection to the Minister for Planning, citing insufficient information, impact on significant landscape, loss of agricultural land, bushfire risk, impact on waterways, impact on community and environment, and economic benefits. 

Alpine Shire Mayor, Cr Sarah Nicholas, said Council carefully considered feedback from the community before making its decision. 

“We understand the concerns raised by residents, particularly around the location, fire risk, and the potential impact on the surrounding area,” she said. 

“Council is committed to supporting renewable energy and recognises the vital role BESS plays in ensuring reliable energy storage; however in this instance, Council did not feel this particular site was the right fit. 

"The potential risks and effects on the local community were key factors in Council's decision.” 

The proposal is currently with the Minister for Planning, who is responsible for making the final decision. 

“The next step is for the Minister to review the application and consider submissions from all stakeholders, including Council and the local community,” Cr Nicholas said. 

“Council will be making a submission to the Minister to ensure that the concerns raised by residents - particularly regarding fire risk and emergency management - are clearly represented. 

"It’s important that the voices of our community are heard and that safety remains a priority in any future decision-making.” 

Cr Nicholas thanked the community for engaging with Council on the proposal. 

“We appreciate everyone who took the time to share their thoughts, whether in support or opposition," she said. 

"We know this has been an issue many people feel strongly about, and we hope the community can come together and move forward from here.” 

Adopted Motion 

That Council prepare and submit a letter of objection to the Minister for Planning relation to the application for the use and development of the land for a utility installation (Battery Energy Storage System), removal of native vegetation, alteration to an access to a Transport 2 Zone and ancillary buildings and works on the land known as Yackandandah – Dederang Road, Dederang based on the following grounds: 

Insufficient Information 

1. Insufficient information has been provided with the application to make an informed and complete assessment as to the potential impact the proposed use and development may have on the natural environment as well as the amenity of the area. 

Impact on Significant Landscape 

2. The development will cause a detrimental visual intrusion on the significant Kiewa Valley landscape as a consequence its location on a ridgeline, scale and incorporation of reflective external materials which is inconsistent with Clause 02.03-2 - Environmental and landscape values’ and ‘Landscapes’ of the Municipal Strategy; Clause 12.05 - ‘Significant environments and landscapes’ and Clause 12.05-2S – ‘Landscapes' of the Planning Policy Framework; and purpose and objectives of Clause 42.03 - Significant Landscape Overlay. 

Loss of Agricultural Land 

3. The proposal will contribute to the loss and fragmentation of valuable agricultural land contrary to the objectives of Clause 02.03-4 -‘Natural resource management’ of the Municipal Strategy; Clause 14.01-1S - ‘Protection of Agricultural Land’, Clause 14.01-2S – ‘Sustainable agricultural land’ and Clause 14.01-2R – ‘Agricultural productivity – Hume’ as contained within the Planning Policy Framework; and purpose and objectives of Clause 35.07 - Farming Zone. 

Bushfire Risk 

4. The proposal fails to provide an adequate response as to how bushfire risk will be mitigated and managed both internally to and externally to the site, contrary to Clause 02.03-3 - ‘Environmental risk and amenity’ of the Municipal Planning Strategy and Clause 13.02-1S –‘Bushfire planning’ of the Planning Policy Framework. 

Impact on Waterways 

5. The proposal fails to appropriately respond to or mitigate potential impacts of runoff and sediment into the Glen Creek tributaries contrary to Clause 02.03-2 – ‘River corridors and waterways’ of the Municipal Planning Strategy; and Clause 12.03-1S - ‘River and riparian corridors, waterways. Lakes, wetlands and billabongs’ and Clause 12.03-1L – ‘River corridors and waterways’ of the Planning Policy Framework. 

Impact on Community and Environment 

6. The proposed location of the battery energy storage system is contrary to Clause 19.01-2S – ‘Renewable Energy’ of the Planning Policy Framework as it fails to site a renewable energy development in an appropriate location which minimises the effects on the local community and environment. 

Economic Benefit 

7. The proposal fails to demonstrate any economic benefits for the Dederang Community which is contrary to Clause 19.01-2S – ‘Renewable Energy’ of the Planning Policy Framework. 

Orderly Planning 

8. The use and development fails to contribute to the orderly planning of the area which is contrary to Clause 65 – ‘Decision Guidelines’.