Please note: The Myrtleford Transfer Station will be closed from 12 midday on Tuesday, 11 March, reopening with normal operating hours on Thursday, 13 March.

Council Meetings

In 2025, Ordinary Council Meetings will be held on the last Tuesday of the month.

Please review the schedule of Council meetings below. You attend the meetings in person, watch them live on our YouTube channel, view the recording later, or read the meeting agenda and minutes.

When is the next Council Meeting?

Ordinary Council Meetings are held at 5pm on the last Tuesday of the month.

Special Council Meetings take place outside of this schedule, with notice provided on our website, Facebook page, and Instagram page.

28 January5pmCouncil ChambersBright
25 February5pmCommunity CentreMount Beauty
25 March 5pmCouncil ChambersBright
29 April 5pmCouncil ChambersBright
27 May 5pmSenior Citizens CentreMyrtleford
24 June 5pmCouncil ChambersBright
29 July 5pmCouncil ChambersBright
26 August5pmCouncil ChambersBright
30 September 5pmCouncil ChambersBright
28 October5pmCouncil ChambersBright
25 November 5pmCouncil ChambersBright
16 December5pmCouncil ChambersBright
Can I attend Council meetings?
  • Community members are welcome to attend Council Meetings in person.
  • You can also view Council Meetings live or view them later on YouTube.
  • You can watch recordings of Council Meetings on the Alpine Shire channel.
How can I ask a question at a Council Meeting?

There are two ways to ask a question at a Council Meeting - as a written Question on Notice or from the floor during public question time.

You can submit a maximum of two written Questions on Notice to be answered during the meeting. Please submit your Question on Notice in writing to by 5pm on the Monday prior to the meeting. This gives Council officers the opportunity to investigate and provide an answer to your question.

If you attend a Council Meeting in person and have not already submitted two written Questions on Notice, you can ask a maximum of two questions from the floor during public question time. This may result in your question being taken on notice and answered later if it cannot be answered at the time.