New Mount Beauty runway ready for flight

The new and improved Mount Beauty Airport is ready for takeoff, with major works recently completed and the runway now open for use.

27 January 2023
Project update
Mount Beauty

The $3.3 million upgrade project included lengthening the existing runway by 600 metres and widening it by 8 metres, constructing a new surface, an upgrade to drainage infrastructure at the site, and new fencing for much of the airport perimeter.

Alpine Shire Mayor John Forsyth said at 18 metres wide and just over 1.5km in length, the runway now has the capacity to service a wide range of light and emergency aircraft. 

“This new facility will be a fantastic asset for the community into the future, and these upgrades will provide benefits to the entire region,” Cr Forsyth said.

“For example, just last week Council received a call from Major Road Projects Victoria who are looking to utilise the facility to support fly in-fly out workforces to tackle the Falls Creek landslide.

“The upgraded runway will also improve access for Forest Fire Management and other fire-fighting services, providing greater flexibility for fire management services to manage local and regional emergencies, as well as improved access for Air Ambulance Victoria fixed-wing aircraft.”

The upgrades will provide an economic boost for the region, with an expected increase in recreational flights to and from the airport.

Some minor works are still to be completed and will be addressed whilst the facility is open for use with only minor inconvenience to users anticipated.

The Mount Beauty Airport Upgrade was jointly funded by a $1.55 million Regional Airports Program Grant, and Council’s contribution of $1.78 million.

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Mount Beauty golfers are already enjoying use of the upgraded Mount Beauty Airport after reopening last week, with a group flying from Mount Beauty to Tasmania on Monday morning. Pictured L-R: Peter Johns, David Browning, Don Mason, Ross Rynhart, Peter Dilley, John Kissane, Tony Campen, Stephen Short, and pilot Nick de Lavaulx.

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