Council's Mapping System: We have moved from Intramaps to our new Geographical Information System (GIS) AlpineMaps (Esri). Access to the old GIS system Intramaps will be turned off in January 2025 and the data stored within Intramaps will not been maintained.

Councils unite in critical push for health services

Alpine Shire Council, alongside Indigo and Towong Shire Councils, has taken a decisive and unified stance on the urgent need for the provision of health services that meet the demands of their rural communities. 

15 August 2024
Environmental Health

In an unprecedented move, the three councils met last Tuesday at the Beechworth Town Hall for a tri-council meeting, where they demonstrated a strong, collective commitment to addressing the health service needs of their regional communities.  

The councils’ unified commentary and unanimous vote underscored the critical importance of this issue, marking a significant moment in regional collaboration. 

This marks the first time these councils have come together to address a common issue of such vital importance across their communities. 

During the meeting, councillors from all three councils unanimously voted to call upon the Federal Government and the State Governments of Victoria and New South Wales to collaborate on ensuring that health services meet the current and future needs of all regional communities within the Albury-Wodonga Health catchment. 

The councils also strongly supported the development of a new, single-site hospital for Albury-Wodonga Health on a greenfield location. 

Alpine Shire Mayor, Cr John Forsyth, expressed his confidence in the collaborative process. 

"It was incredibly reassuring to see how effectively the three councils worked together, especially on an issue of such critical importance," he said. 

"The councillors engaged in a passionate discussion about why we must advocate for a single-site hospital, with a preference for a greenfield location. 

"Together, we will be advocating for decision-makers to engage constructively with frontline service providers and publicly acknowledge the current shortcomings and inefficiencies in the system. 

"It is now imperative that the states of Victoria and New South Wales work collaboratively to secure the best long-term outcomes for all our residents." 

The respective CEOs have been authorised to communicate the agreed position of the three councils to the State Governments of Victoria and New South Wales, the Federal Government, and the Board of Albury-Wodonga Health. 

To watch the recording of the meeting, visit: Joint Council Meeting of Indigo, Alpine and Towong Shire Councils ( 


Resolution adopted at joint meeting 

That Alpine/Indigo/Towong Councils endorse the following actions to address the critical healthcare infrastructure needs in Albury-Wodonga: 

  1. Call upon the Federal Government and the State Governments of Victoria and New South Wales to come together and collaborate for the provision of a health service which meets the current and future needs of all of the regional communities within the catchment of AlburyWodonga Health; 

  2. Support the development of a new single-site hospital for Albury-Wodonga Health on a greenfield location; 

  3. Advocate for immediate funding to commence the planning and construction of the new hospital; 

  4. Call for the State Governments of Victoria and New South Wales to pause the current redevelopment plans for the Albury Hospital and redirect efforts towards a new single site development in Albury-Wodonga; 

  5. Acknowledge and endorse the endeavours to have immediate provision of modular units at the Albury Hospital campus to ensure sufficient beds are available to address the ongoing daily deficit of beds, and request that the two State governments provide urgent funding for this purpose; and 

  6. Authorise the respective CEOs of Alpine, Indigo and Towong to advocate for, and communicate this position statement with the States of Victoria and New South Wales, the Federal Government, and with the Board of Albury-Wodonga Health.