Council plants seeds for childcare growth

Alpine Shire Council has endorsed a plan to apply for significant grant funding to support the much-needed redevelopment of the Myrtleford Mountain View Children’s Centre (MVCC).  

29 August 2024
Major Projects

The decision was made at this week’s Council meeting, where Councillors unanimously backed the move, highlighting the critical importance of upgrading local childcare infrastructure. 

With the Victorian Government’s 'Best Start, Best Life Reforms' set to roll out in the Alpine Shire in 2026, increasing the demand for childcare services, the redevelopment of MVCC has become a top priority.  

Council’s endorsement allows the submission of a funding application to the Victorian School Building Authority’s 'Building Blocks Grants - Capacity Building', which could bring in $4.2 million.  

This grant will require a co-contribution from Council amounting to $4.23 million. 

Alpine Shire Mayor, Cr John Forsyth, emphasised the importance of this project for the Myrtleford community. 

"This redevelopment is vital for our community. It’s not just about meeting the growing demand for childcare; it’s about ensuring our children have access to the best possible facilities," he said. 

"Council is fully committed to making this happen, and securing this funding is a crucial step forward." 

Council has also approved the development of a financial model to outline the Council’s co-contribution, which will be presented at a later date.  

Council Chief Executive Officer, Will Jeremy, has been delegated the authority to confirm the co-contribution amounts in writing, ensuring the funding application can proceed without delay.