Alpine Shire Youth Awards now open for nominations!

The Alpine Shire Youth Awards are back for 2024, offering members of Alpine Shire communities the opportunity to recognise and celebrate the young people in their lives.

13 June 2024

The Youth Awards have a legacy of 24 years for Council, with the inaugural ceremony taking place in 2000. 

Every year, the Youth Awards ceremony is planned and delivered by a committee of young people, providing opportunities for them to develop skills across event management, stakeholder engagement, and project communications.    

Alpine Shire Council Mayor, Cr John Forsyth, said that the Youth Awards are an invaluable opportunity for community members to showcase the achievements of young people.  

“The Youth Awards ceremony is a very special event that is dedicated to young people in our community who are motivated, engaged, and contributing great things to the Alpine Shire,” he said.  

“These people are only 12 to 21 years old, yet we can learn so much from hearing their stories and celebrating their achievements.”

The Youth Awards have also inspired young people to pursue the things that benefit themselves, their peers, and their environment.  

2023 winner of the Community award, Zoe Gray of Tawonga South, said that receiving a Youth Award has motivated her to keep active in her hometown, particularly when it comes to her passions and interests. 

"Receiving the Community Award has helped me to feel appreciated and recognised", she said.  

"In the future I would love to see our community prioritise our local environment. I'm an avid skier and I hope to be able to keep skiing in the future and for it not to be impacted by climate change." 

Community members are able to nominate a young person aged between 12 to 21 across nine different categories: academic, community, endurance and persistence, performing arts, proud and deadly, sport and recreation, rural, visual arts and media, and workplace.  

Nominations are open until Monday, 5 August.  

Start your nomination by visiting