Please note: The Myrtleford Transfer Station will be closed from 12 midday on Tuesday, 11 March, reopening with normal operating hours on Thursday, 13 March.

Community Managed Facilities

The facilities listed below are independently managed by Committees of Management. For bookings or more information, contact the venue or committee directly.

Bright Senior Citizens Centre

Book Bright Senior Citizens Centre


2 Cobden Street

Bright VIC 3741


The exterior of Bright Senior Citizens centre, a single-story brick building with windows facing the road.
Bright Senior Citizens Centre
Features of Bright Senior Citizens Centre
  • Entry and exit via Cobden St    
  • Up to 50 cars in parking lot next to Centre
  • Semi-trailer access in parking lot next to Centre
  • 6.5m x 7m elevated stage
  • Domestic kitchen
  • Server to main event area
  • Town water
  • 2 x fridge
  • 6 burner commercial stove / oven
  • Hot water urn
  • Crockery and cutlery for 60 people
  • Parquetry floor in main event area
  • Linoleum in entrance foyer
  • Fluro lighting
  • Ceiling fans
  • Reverse cycle air conditioning
  • Gas heater
Interior photos of Bright Senior Citizens Centre
Interior of Bright Senior Citizens Centre with parquet flooring and wooden beams overhead. There are blue chairs lined up on both sides of the room.
Fish-eye image of interior of Bright Senior Citizens Centre. There are blue chairs lined up on either side of the room.
Interior image of the kitchen in Bright Senior Citizens Centre, with white cabinetry and marble-looking countertops. There is a roller door above the main service area.
Room inside Bright Senior Citizens Centre with grey carpet and brick walls. There is a wooden buffet cabinet at one end with a television mounted to the wall and another mobile television against another wall. There are folded trestle tables leaning against the same wall as the mobile television and stacks of chairs arranged neatly against other walls.
A room in Bright Senior Citizens Centre, with grey carpet and brick walls. There are various wooden cabinets and buffets against the walls of the room, with chairs stacked neatly beside them.

Dederang Recreation Reserve Hall


Dederang Recreation Reserve

Kiewa Valley Highway

Dederang VIC 3691


0458 271 867

The exterior of the Dederang Recreation Reserve Hall, a single-story white brick building with blue double doors.
Dederang Recreation Reserve Hall

Freeburgh Hall


Great Alpine Road

Freeburgh VIC 3741

Freeburgh Hall is located approximately 8km from Bright CBD. 


(03) 5750 1298 or 0408 613 289 

The exterior of Freeburgh Hall, a single-story building clad in light Colourbond with a verandah over the entrance. There are wooden posts holding the verandah, which matches the wooden doors.
Freeburgh Hall
Features of Freeburgh Hall
  • Entry and exit via Great Alpine Road, Freeburgh
  • 50-70 car parking available
  • Semi-trailer access with full turning
  • Undercover verandah area out the back of the hall
  • Large grass area out the back of the hall
  • Town water
  • Parquetry surfaces indoors
  • Fridge
  • 2 x drinks fridge
  • Electric stove / oven
  • Chest freezer
  • Sink
  • Pie warmer
  • Microwave oven
  • Fluro ceiling lights and lamps
  • Undercover BBQ facilities with water tank

Gapsted Public Hall


3722 Great Alpine Road

Gapsted VIC 3737


Trevor | 0432 184 324

Richard | 0418 433 294

The exterior of Gapsted Public Hall, a white weatherboard single-story building with a peaked roof and green trim.
Gapsted Public Hall

Happy Valley Hall


18 Havilah Road

Happy Valley Road

Rosewhite VIC 3737


(03) 5753 5233

The exterior of Happy Valley Hall, a red brick single-story building with a water tank to the left-hand side. The tank has a decorative mosaic on it.
Happy Valley Hall

Harrietville Community Hall


210 Great Alpine Road

Harrietville VIC 3741


0418 306 225

The exterior of Harrietville Hall, a brown brick single-story building with a recessed entryway to the right and a wooden sign stating Harrietville Community Hall on the brick wall to the left.
Harrietville Community Hall

Mount Beauty Airfield

Visit Mount Beauty Airport YMBT


25 Embankment Drive

Mount Beauty VIC 3699

36 44.0 S, 147 10.0 E

The airfield is approximately 1km north of Mount Beauty. It is immediately north of the hydropower station regulating pondage and approximately 1km east of the Kiewa Valley Highway.


Mount Beauty Airfield Management Association Inc.

Phil O'Bryan | 0412 990 622

Website |

Opening hours

Monday - Saturday | 8am - 8pm

Sunday | 9am - 8pm

Features of Mount Beauty Airfield


1100ft (335m) Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL)


Runway direction 14/32

Single runway with surface sealed to 10m width. Useable length is approximately 905m.


126.00 MHZ


There is a general aviation all weather parking area with cable tie downs on the western side of the airstrip and on the northern side of the terminal building and facilities.


  • General aviation
  • Seasonal firebombing
  • Aerial ambulance
  • Sailplane gliders (winch and air-tow launching)
  • Ultralights
  • Microlights
  • Hang gliders
  • Paragliders
  • Radio controlled models


All users should use an air band radio to monitor aircraft movements on 126.00.

All radio equipped aircraft must communicate with other aircraft on 126.00.

GA visitors must be vigilant for non-radio equipped aircraft.


  • Grass surrounds of the strip may become soft after heavy rain.
  • The gliding winch is in the paddock approximately 800m NW on the extended centerline of runway 32.
  • Runway threshold 32 is permanently displaced 220m.
  • Right hand circuits when operating off runway 32.
  • Take off using runway 14 not recommended for powered aircraft due to steep terrain, rwy upslope, possible severe turbulence, and down drafts near hills.
  • Animal hazards, such as kangaroos, birds, and stock exist.
  • Power lines and sensitive area 1km SW of strip.

Fly neighbourly

The Mount Beauty Airport Management Association welcomes aviators to use the facility and enjoy the surrounding panoramic scenery and the hospitality of the town. In return, we ask that pilots avoid flying over the town except when approaching to land if conditions require the use of runway 32.

Where operationally possible we encourage powered aircraft to use runway 14 for landings and 32 for takeoffs.


The airport is managed and maintained by the Airport Management Association using fees collected from airport users and leasees. To assist the Management Association to maintain this facility, we ask that pilots pay a landing fee of $10 per visit. A collection box for the fees is located at the front of the terminal building.

Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre

Visit Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre


1 Tennis Court Avenue

Mount Beauty VIC 3699


(03) 5754 1166

Exterior of the Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre, clad in a cream weatherboard with light blue trim.
Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre
Features of Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre
  • Parking up to 50 cars
  • Entry and exit via Reserve Drive
  • Semi-trailer access with full turning circle
  • Undercover verandah at front of Centre
  • Larger undercover verandah off large conference room
  • Polished timber floorboards in hall
  • Carpet throughout Centre
  • Large conference room
  • Small conference room
  • Waiting room
  • Small office
  • Computer lab
  • Approximately 100 seats
  • Overhead projectors
  • Projector screen
  • Audio visual
  • Laundry facilities in Centre
  • Large commercial kitchen
  • Crockery and cutlery for approximately 80 people
  • 3 x stove tops
  • Commercial dishwasher
  • Coffee machine
  • Two-door fridge
  • Small kitchen with servery to main event area
  • Kitchen sink
  • Microwave and fridge in hall
  • 2 x BBQs
  • Tables
  • Fluro lighting
  • Ceiling fans and reverse cycle air-conditioning
  • Geothermal heating

Mount Beauty Senior Citizens Centre


Tawonga Crescent

Mount Beauty VIC 3699


(03) 5754 1750

The exterior of the Mount Beauty Senior Citizens Centre, a red brick single-story building with a ramp leading up to the glass doors.
Mount Beauty Senior Citizens Centre
Features of Mount Beauty Senior Citizens Centre
  • Street parking only
  • 18m x 18m floor space
  • Divider – main room can be split into two sections
  • Television
  • Data projector
  • Whiteboard
  • Domestic kitchen
  • Domestic fridge
  • Stove / oven
  • Microwave oven
  • 2 x hot water urn
  • Crockery and cutlery for approximately 60 people
  • Dishwasher
  • Ceiling fans
  • Reverse cycle air-conditioning
  • Polished timber floorboards

Mudgegonga Community Hall


1395 Myrtleford-Yackandandah Road

Mudgegonga VIC 3737


0428 534 541

the exterior of Mudgegonga Community Hall, a single-story building clad in Colourbond. There is a short chain-link fence bordering the Hall.
Mudgegonga Community Hall

Porepunkah Airfield

Visit Porepunkah Airfield at YPOK


262 Buckland Valley Road

Porepunkah VIC 3740

36 43 S, 146 53 E

Two nautical miles south of Porepunkah located in the Buckland Valley on the east side of Mount Buffalo National Park.


Porepunkah Airfield Association Inc.

President | (03) 9016 0732

Duty ARO | 0490 175 178

Email |

Website |

Opening hours

Monday - Saturday | 8am - 8pm

Sunday | 9am - 8pm

Features of Porepunkah Airfield


935 ft Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL)

Grass strip

Runway direction 18 / 36

Runway length 820mt

Runway width 30mt

Runway 36 slopes down towards the north by 2 degrees


126.0 MHZ


  • G.A.
  • Ultralights
  • Microlights
  • Hang gliders
  • Paragliders
  • R/C model aircraft
  • Sailplanes - seasonal aerotow
  • Arriving by air
  • Prior to arriving, visiting aircraft are required to register online by visiting YPOK.

If you have any questions, contact the Duty ARO.


  • High terrain to the west and east of the airfield and within circuit.
  • Access roads at northern and southern ends of the runway.
  • Night landings are not permitted.
  • Runway may become soft after heavy rain.
  • Regular hang-gliding and paragliding activities in the valley. 


CTAF calls should be made at 10 miles and also at 5 miles as the terrain can block radio transmissions.

Fly neighbourly

Normal aircraft operations are from 8am to 8pm on Monday - Saturday and 9am to 8pm on Sunday. Departures prior to 8am on Monday - Saturday and 9am on Sunday are allowed but must immediately fly away from the airfield and valley to reduce noise and should not return before normal operating hours. No continuous engine test runs are permitted outside normal hours. Continuous circuits or circuit training is not allowed at any time.

Webcam and weather station

Take a look at the latest weather prior to arrival or departure online by visiting YPOK.


A landing donation $10 per visit is requested for airfield upkeep. Donations can be made online by visiting YPOK.

Porepunkah Hall


1 Martley Street

Porepunkah VIC 3740


The exterior of Porepunkah Hall, a single-story building clad in cream weatherboard with red trim around the roofline and entryway.
Porepunkah Hall

Saint Albans Hall


Kiewa Valley Highway

Running Creek VIC 3691


(02) 6028 9261

The exterior of Saint Alban's Hall, a single-story grey brick building on the side of a highway. There is a driveway to the right of the building from the highway that extends to the back of the building.
Saint Alban's Hall