Council Land

Council Local Law helps keep public spaces safe and enjoyable for everyone by regulating activities and behaviour on Council land.

Behaviour on Council Land

People using Council land must not commit any actions that could disturb or inconvenience others. This includes avoiding actions that could be considered a nuisance, such as loud noise or disruptive behaviour. You must also avoid any activities that could endanger other people or animals, such as reckless driving or dangerous sports.

Additionally, it is important not to damage or interfere with anything on Council land, including playground equipment, park benches, or signs. Carrying firearms on Council land is strictly prohibited unless you have specific authorisation. 

Lifesaving and fire-fighting equipment should only be used in an emergency or with permission from an authorised officer. Lastly, always follow any rules or conditions posted on signs or notices for the specific use of the land.

Consumption of Alcohol on Council Land

Council places restrictions on where and when alcohol can be consumed in public spaces to ensure the safety and comfort of everyone. In most towns, alcohol consumption is not allowed on Council land between 10pm and 7am. However, in Dinner Plain, this restriction applies 24 hours a day.

Maps showing the areas where these restrictions apply are available for locations such as Bright, Porepunkah, Myrtleford, Mount Beauty, and Dinner Plain are linked below:

In some cases, Council may introduce extra restrictions in certain areas to manage risks linked to public drinking. Council can also issue permits to allow alcohol consumption during specific events, with certain conditions to ensure safety. 

Any changes or new restrictions will be clearly announced on Council’s website and social media channels.