The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Alpine Shire Council is appointed for a maximum term of five years.
During this time, performance is monitored by the Council with support from the CEO Employment and Remuneration Committee.
The CEO’s performance is assessed against Key Performance Areas (KPA).
The CEO works with Councillors each year to define Key Performance Indicators (KPI) within those performance areas. These indicators outline the CEO’s expected performance during his tenure.
Current Chief Executive Officer Will Jeremy was formally appointed by Council at a Special Council Meeting on 15 July, 2022.
He officially began in the position on 25 July, 2022.
Mr Jeremy has worked collaboratively with Council to define four Key Performance Areas, and the relating Key Performance Indicators. His performance as CEO will be assessed against these indicators.

KPA 1 - Leadership and culture - Lead a high- performing organisation with a strong focus on effectiveness, accountability, and continuous improvement.
KPA 2 - Engagement and communication - Deliver consistently high-quality engagement and communication with Council, the community and other key stakeholders.
KPA 3 - Governance - Ensure good governance practices to fulfil legislative obligations, improve decision making and promote community confidence in Council.
KPA 4 - Delivery and performance - Execute Council resolutions, policies, and plans using resources and managing risks effectively and efficiently.
Council's CEO Employment and Remuneration Committee is an advisory committee to Council, tasked with considering and making recommendations to Council regarding:
- Performance monitoring of the CEO, including with respect to achievement of the KPIs; and
- Annual Review of the CEO's performance, including performance against the KPIs.
KPIs in the CEO Annual Performance Plan are linked closely to the Council Plan 2021-2025.
The CEO’s KPAs and KPIs are also outlined in the CEO Annual Performance Plan.
KPA 1: Leadership and Culture
Desired Outcomes
Key Performance Indicators (2024/25)
1.1 Zero harm to our staff.
1.1.1 Leadership focus on physical and psychological safety with appropriate systems and processes in place to minimise risk to our staff.
1.1.2 Increase in hazard reporting from across the organisation, reflecting an increased focus on health and safety.
1.1.3 12 month rolling average staff engagement of the Employee Assistance Program.
1.2 Improvement in organisational efficiency and effectiveness.
1.2.1 Increased role clarity through improvements in business planning for teams and in annual setting and periodic monitoring of tasks and targets for individual staff.
1.2.2 Key workflows are optimised to increase productivity and are better documented to improve consistency in application across the organisation.
1.2.3 Digital systems are aligned to business needs and staff are appropriately trained in the use of these systems.
1.3 Improved culture across a reinvigorated organisation.
1.3.1 Empowered leaders have increased decision-making clarity and autonomy across the organisation.
1.3.2 Investment made into building leadership capability in the Director, Manager and the coordinator cohorts.
1.3.3 Improved staff satisfaction as measured through staff survey.
1.3.4 Improved staff retention assessed on a rolling 12-month basis.
1.4 A CEO with the skills, knowledge and networks to deliver effective leadership of the organisation.
1.4.1 Personal and professional development plan in place to maintain and enhance skills and experience and to build strong and effective networks.
KPA 2: Engagement and Communication
Desired Outcomes
Key Performance Indicators (2024/25)
2.1 Improvement in the quality of Council’s deliberative engagement processes delivering improved alignment with community needs and aspirations.
2.1.1 Community feedback trending in a positive direction and an improving perception of Council within the community.
2.1.2 Continuous improvement processes in place to build on engagement successes and learn from shortcomings.
2.2 Improvement in the quality of customer service provision.
2.2.1 Key customer service performance metrics established and reported.
2.2.2 More consistent and positive customer experience achieved.
2.3 Beneficial community outcomes achieved through the advocacy efforts of Council and Council staff.
2.3.1 Establish an agreed advocacy approach with Council to inform development of the new Council Plan, including establishing a clear, shared understanding of what advocacy means for Council, what the current advocacy priorities are and the desired outcomes from this advocacy.
2.3.2 New relationships established and opportunities explored for collaboration across the region in areas aligned with Council’s advocacy priorities.
2.3.3 Leverage potential benefit of conferences and other opportunities for engagement across the State to increase breadth and depth of network.
2.4 A Council which is well informed and able to effectively deliver for the community.
2.4.1 An effective and professional working relationship is maintained between the CEO and Council, supporting the effective development and evolution of policy, strategy and administration.
KPA 3: Governance
Desired Outcomes
Key Performance Indicators (2024/25)
3.1 Council’s strong financial position is maintained.
3.1.1 Advice is provided to Council for the responsible management of Council’s financial and physical assets and workforce.
3.1.2 Opportunities are explored to strengthen Council’s financial position.
3.2 Risks are identified and appropriate managed.
3.2.1 An effective and professional working relationship is maintained with the Audit and Risk Committee, and feedback from the Committee is positive.
3.2.2 Risk Register is reviewed and revised with input from across the organisation, applying a consistent understanding and approach to use of key risk terminology and improving relevance of the register to the operational teams.
3.3 Council decisions are implemented in a timely, accurate and efficient way.
3.3.1 Implementation of Council resolutions and actions arising from adopted plans and strategies is tracked and reported effectively.
3.4 The organisation is responsive to strategic opportunities and challenges.
3.4.1 Emerging issues and opportunities are identified, communicated, and addressed in a way which maximises benefit for our community.
KPA 4: Delivery Performance
Desired Outcomes
Key Performance Indicators (2024/25)
4.1 The community is led and supported on a journey towards a low emission economy.
4.1.1 A plan is agreed and delivered to offset residual emissions in support of achieving and maintaining the net zero target.
4.1.2 A Community Climate Action Roadmap is developed with the community and a clear plan is agreed with Council to progress implementation of the agreed actions.
4.2 A contemporary Planning Scheme is established, with key gaps addressed.
4.2.1 Amendments resulting from review of the Alpine Planning Scheme are gazetted.
4.3 Our towns are well planned to accommodate the forecast growth in population, including infrastructure and community facilities.
4.3.1 The Land Development Strategy is adopted by Council and associated amendments to the Alpine Planning Scheme are progressed towards gazettal.
4.3.2 Key building blocks of the strategic planning workplan are clearly communicated, appropriately resourced, and progressed in accordance with the plan.
4.4 Value for the community is delivered through Council’s capital works program.
4.4.1 The capital works team is appropriately resourced to deliver the budgeted program and flexible to adapt to the changing external environment.
4.4.2 Council is kept well briefed on capital works delivery progress and challenges and engaged early in all decisions with potential to impact on the overall outcomes for the community.
The CEO’s KPAs and KPIs are also outlined in the CEO Annual Performance Plan.
KPA 1: Leadership and Culture
Desired Outcomes
Key Performance Indicators (2023/24)
1.1 Zero harm to our staff.
1.1.1 Leadership focus on physical and psychological safety with appropriate systems and processes in place to minimise risk to our staff.
1.1.2 Increase in hazard reporting from across the organisation, reflecting an increased focus on health and safety.
1.1.3 Improved reporting of individual hazards and incidents and monitoring of key indicators.
1.2 Improved culture across a reinvigorated organisation.
1.2.1 Increased role clarity through improvements in business planning for teams and in annual setting and periodic monitoring of tasks and targets for individual staff.
1.2.2 Key workflows are optimised to increase productivity and are better documented to improve consistency in application across the organisation.
1.2.3 Digital systems are aligned to business needs and staff are appropriately trained in the use of these systems.
1.2.4 Remaining vacancies arising from the restructure process are filled. Staff induction processes and refresher training are improved.
1.3 Improved culture across a reinvigorated organisation.
1.3.1 Empowered leaders have increased decision-making autonomy across the organisation.
1.3.2 Investment made into building leadership capability in the coordinator cohort.
1.3.3 Improved staff satisfaction as measured through biannual staff survey (with results available in July and January)
1.3.4 Improved staff retention assessed on a rolling 12-month basis.
1.4 A CEO with the skills, knowledge and networks to deliver effective leadership of the organisation.
1.4.1 Personal and professional development plan in place to maintain and enhance skills and experience and to build strong and effective networks.
KPA 2: Engagement and Communication
Desired Outcomes
Key Performance Indicators (2023/24)
2.1 Improvement in the quality of Council’s deliberative engagement processes delivering improved alignment with community needs and aspirations.
2.1.1 Community feedback trending in a positive direction and an improving perception of Council within the community.
2.1.2 Continuous improvement processes in place to build on engagement successes and learn from shortcomings.
2.2 Improvement in the quality of customer service provision.
2.2.1 Key customer service performance metrics established and reported.
2.2.2 More consistent customer experience achieved, aligned to an agreed customer service standard.
2.3 Beneficial community outcomes achieved through the advocacy efforts of Council and Council staff.
2.3.1 Establish an agreed advocacy approach with Council to inform development of the new Council Plan, including establishing a clear, shared understanding of what advocacy means for Council, what the current advocacy priorities are and the desired outcomes from this advocacy
2.3.2 New relationships established and opportunities explored for collaboration across the region in areas aligned with Council’s advocacy priorities.
2.3.3 Leverage potential benefit of conferences and other opportunities for engagement across the State to increase breadth and depth of network.
2.4 A Council which is well informed and able to effectively deliver for the community.
2.4.1 An effective and professional working relationship is maintained between the CEO and Council, supporting the effective development and evolution of policy, strategy and administration.
KPA 3: Governance
Desired Outcomes
Key Performance Indicators (2023/24)
3.1 Council’s strong financial position is maintained.
3.1.1 Advice is provided to Council for the responsible management of Council’s financial and physical assets and workforce.
3.1.2 Opportunities are explored to strengthen Council’s financial position.
3.2 Risks are identified and appropriate managed.
3.2.1 An effective and professional working relationship is maintained with the Audit and Risk Committee, and feedback from the Committee is positive.
3.2.2 Risk Register is reviewed and revised with input from across the organisation, applying a consistent understanding and approach to use of key risk terminology and improving relevance of the register to the operational teams.
3.3 Council decisions are implemented in a timely, accurate and efficient way.
3.3.1 Implementation of Council resolutions and actions arising from adopted plans and strategies is tracked and reported effectively.
3.4 The organisation is responsive to strategic opportunities and challenges.
3.4.1 Emerging issues and opportunities are identified, communicated, and addressed in a way which maximises benefit for our community.
KPA 4: Delivery Performance
Desired Outcomes
Key Performance Indicators (2023/24)
4.1 The community is led and supported on a journey towards a low emission economy.
4.1.1 A plan is agreed and delivered to offset residual emissions in support of achieving and maintaining the net zero target.
4.1.2 A Community Climate Action Roadmap is developed with the community and a clear plan is agreed with Council to progress implementation of the agreed actions.
4.2 A contemporary Planning Scheme is established, with key gaps addressed.
4.2.1 Amendments resulting from review of the Alpine Planning Scheme are gazetted.
4.3 Our towns are well planned to accommodate the forecast growth in population, including infrastructure and community facilities.
4.3.1 The Land Development Strategy is adopted by Council and associated amendments to the Alpine Planning Scheme are progressed towards gazettal.
4.3.2 Key building blocks of the strategic planning workplan are clearly communicated, appropriately resourced, and progressed in accordance with the plan.
4.4 Value for the community is delivered through Council’s capital works program.
4.4.1 The capital works team is appropriately resourced to deliver the budgeted program and flexible to adapt to the changing external environment.
4.4.2 Council is kept well briefed on capital works delivery progress and challenges and engaged early in all decisions with potential to impact on the overall outcomes for the community.
The CEO’s KPAs and KPIs are also outlined in the CEO Annual Performance Plan 2022-2023 below.
KPA 1: Leadership and Culture
Desired Outcomes
Key Performance Indicators (2022/23)
1.1 Improvement in organisational efficiency and effectiveness.
1.1.1 Restructured organisation delivering better alignment between and across functional areas and bringing role clarity to all staff.
1.1.2 Business processes streamlined to improve productivity.
1.1.3 Digital systems reviewed for alignment to business needs.
1.1.4 Gaps in organisational capacity and capability identified and addressed.
1.2 Improved culture across a reinvigorated organisation.
1. 1.2.1 Empowered leaders have increased decision-making autonomy.
1.2.2 Improved staff satisfaction as measured through the annual staff satisfaction survey.
1.2.3 Improved staff retention as reported in Council’s Annual Report.
1.3 Zero harm to our staff.
1.3.1 Leadership focus on physical and psychological safety with appropriate systems and processes in place to minimise risk to our staff.
1.4 A CEO with the skills, knowledge and networks to deliver effective leadership of the organisation.
1.4.1 Personal and professional development plan in place to maintain and enhance skills and experience and to build strong and effective networks.
KPA 2: Engagement and Communication
Desired Outcomes
Key Performance Indicators (2022/23)
2.1 Improvement in the quality of Council’s deliberative engagement processes delivering improved alignment with community needs and aspirations.
2.1.1 Community feedback trending in a positive direction and an improving perception of Council within the community.
2.1.2 Continuous improvement processes in place to build on engagement successes and learn from shortcomings.
2.2 Improvement in the quality of customer service provision.
2.2.1 Key customer service performance metrics established and reported.
2.2.2 More consistent customer experience achieved, aligned to an agreed customer service standard.
2.3 Beneficial community outcomes achieved through the advocacy efforts of Council and Council staff.
2.3.1 Development of an Advocacy Plan establishing a clear, shared understanding of what advocacy means for Council, what the current advocacy priorities are and the desired outcomes from this advocacy.
2.3.2 New relationships established and opportunities explored for collaboration across the region in areas aligned with Council’s advocacy priorities.
2.4 A Council which is well informed and able to effectively deliver for the community.
2.4.1 An effective and professional working relationship is maintained between the CEO and Council, supporting the effective development and evolution of policy, strategy and administration.
KPA 3: Governance
Desired Outcomes
Key Performance Indicators (2022/23)
3.1 Council’s strong financial position is maintained.
3.1.1 Advice is provided to Council for the responsible management of Council’s financial and physical assets and workforce.
3.1.2 Opportunities are explored to strengthen Council’s financial position.
3.2 Risks are identified and appropriate managed.
3.2.1 An effective and professional working relationship is maintained with the Audit and Risk Committee, and feedback from the Committee is positive.
3.2.2 Risk Register is reviewed and revised with input from across the organisation, applying a consistent understanding and approach to use of key risk terminology and improving relevance of the register to the operational teams.
3.3 Council decisions are implemented in a timely, accurate and efficient way.
3.3.1 Implementation of Council resolutions and actions arising from adopted plans and strategies is tracked and reported effectively.
3.4 The organisation is responsive to strategic opportunities and challenges.
3.4.1 Emerging issues and opportunities are identified, communicated, and addressed in a way which maximises benefit for our community.
KPA 4: Delivery Performance
Desired Outcomes
Key Performance Indicators
4.1 The community is led and supported on a journey towards a low emission economy.
4.1.1 Net zero achieved from Council operations by 30 June 2023.
4.1.2 Community Climate Action Roadmap is developed with the community.
4.2 A contemporary Planning Scheme is established, with key gaps addressed.
4.2.1 Comprehensive gap analysis completed of the Alpine Planning Scheme and a plan and timeframe established for the resulting planning scheme amendments to be gazetted.
4.3 Our towns are well planned to accommodate the forecast growth in population, including infrastructure and community facilities.
4.3.1 A roadmap is established for delivering Structure Plans for the main population centres in the Alpine Shire, including a schedule and key milestone dates, community engagement plan, committed budget and allocated staff resourcing.
4.4 Value for the community is delivered through Council’s capital works program.
4.4.1 The capital works team is appropriately resourced to deliver the budgeted program and flexible to adapt to the changing external environment.
4.4.2 Council is kept well briefed on capital works delivery progress and challenges and engaged early in all decisions with potential to impact on the overall outcomes for the community.