Council's Mapping System: We have moved from Intramaps to our new Geographical Information System (GIS) AlpineMaps (Esri). Access to the old GIS system Intramaps will be turned off in January 2025 and the data stored within Intramaps will not been maintained.

Myrtleford Flood Study

In conjunction with Northeast Catchment Management Authority (NECMA), the Myrtleford Flood Study will assess the impacts of a breakaway event that may involve surrounding rivers and creeks.  

Project Background and Objectives 

Myrtleford is located adjacent the Ovens River near the confluence of the Buffalo River, Buffalo Creek, Barwidgee Creek and Happy Valley Creek. The lower reach of Happy Valley Creek (downstream of Ovens township) lies within the Ovens River floodplain and is a recognised developing anabranch of the Ovens River. 

Under flood conditions, Happy Valley Creek and the adjacent floodplain carries a significant portion of the total Ovens River flow in immediate proximity to the urban centre of Myrtleford. 

In 2021 the Myrtleford Breakaway Study was undertaken and reviewed the threat of the Ovens River breaking away from its current course south of the township of Myrtleford to scour a new channel along Happy Valley Creek through Myrtleford.  The potential for this avulsion of the Ovens River into Happy Valley Creek has been known since at least 1917, but previous studies in 1994 and 2003 focussed more on the geomorphic processes driving the avulsion and did not consider the full range impacts that it would have on the community.  

The Myrtleford Flood Study project will undertake a detailed flood study utilise available LiDAR topographic data to determine flood levels and extents for a range of flood frequencies for the townships of Myrtleford and Ovens and the rural locations across the middle Ovens and Buffalo River floodplains. The flood study will also focus on providing emergency flood intelligence for Myrtleford and Ovens linked to the Eurobin gauge, flood mapping suitable for contemporary emergency and planning technology platforms, updates to the Municipal Flood Emergency Plan and Local Flood Guide and information for the planning scheme and associated referrals across the middle Ovens River and the Buffalo River. 

Program outputs will be used to define flood related planning controls, develop flood intelligence products, inform emergency response planning and assist in the preparation of community flood awareness and education products. 

Project Study Area  

The project study area is below - highlighted in green.  

The project scope excludes the following: 

  • Consideration and documentation of a preferred configuration for development of a total flood warning system for the study area. 
  • Consideration and documentation of preferred structural flood mitigation options. 
  • Local consideration of overland flow / flash flooding. 
  • Development of specific reports for insurers. 
  • Development of emergency response plans. 
  • Preparation and provision of information to the media about the study. Where necessary this will be undertaken by others (see Section 4.2). 

Current and Next Steps: 

  • Data collection (completed) 
  • Engagement and consultation (completed) 
  • Flood modelling (completed) 
  • Hydrologic analysis
  • Hydraulic analysis 

Study outputs 

  1. Flood mapping and animations
  2. Flood intelligence information and warning assessments