Event Resource Guide

The following resources provide further assistance with the planning and delivery of your event.

Event Organiser Resource Guide

Below is a guide to assist event organisers in the Alpine Shire to find suppliers and resources for their event as well as contacts for local media outlets.


Supporting Documents & Templates

Each event taking place in the Alpine Shire, must include the following documents with their applications. To assist with planning, we have also included several templates, which you may wish to download.

Public Liability Insurance (minimum $20million)

Detailed Site Plan & Couse Map

Event Management Plan (Small Scale OR Large Scale). Including a run sheet and bump in and bump out times. 

Risk Management Plan

Emergency Management Plan


Depending on your event, you may also be required to submit the following with your event application:

Marketing and Promotions Plan - A detailed plan that documents the marketing, public information and information sharing that occurs before and during an event including resident and business notifications 

Traffic Management Plan - A plan that details the measures taken to manage traffic and road closures, mitigating risk to vulnerable areas including aspects for roads, traffic, pedestrians, transportation of pedestrians and parking. Once finalised by a licensed traffic management company, please upload your plan HERE

First Aid Plan - A plan than demonstrates the first aid provision at a planned event. It should include the number of first aiders, location of first aid posts and equipment available

Noise Management Plan - A plan that outlines mechanisms to ensure compliance with the State Environment Protection Policy requirements

Alcohol Management Plan - A plan to demonstrate the strategy for the management of alcohol and associated risks,  this is usually required when applying for liquor licence

Alpine Shire Council Permits & Approvals

You may need one or more of the following Alpine Shire Council permits and approvals depending on your event requirements:

  • Film and photography permit Permission is needed for professional filming or photography taking place in public spaces within the Alpine Shire Council.
  • Place of public entertainment permit A Place of Public Entertainment (POPE) permit is required for events that include places with an area of greater than 500 square metres, which is substantially enclosed and where admission is charged. (Exemption may apply for an event or activity which is organised and controlled by a community-based organisation and the number of persons in the place at any one time during the event or activity does not exceed 5,000.) Class 9b buildings with an area greater than 500 square metres and/or prescribed temporary structures.
  • Temporary occupancy permit
  • Portable advertising signage permit & raffle permit If you intend to place advertising signage on a footpath, roadside or on Council land outside of the event precinct, a Portable Advertising Signage Permit will be required. Directional signage such as non-promotional signage informing the public of the location of parking or entry gates, will require Council and/or VicRoads approval.
  • Foodtrader registration All food vendors must notify or be registered with their local government under the requirements of the Food Act 1984. Generally, it is the food vendor’s responsibility to seek approval individually. It is the event organiser’s responsibility to ensure that the relevant vendors have obtained appropriate approvals.
  • Works/occupation on Council land approval Approval is required for events that impact or take place on Council land, including public roads, carparks and driving oversized/over-mass vehicles. Approval will form part of the event permit application. You will be asked to provide Traffic Management Plans that conform to Australian Standard AS1742 as part of the approval process.
  • Planning Permit If an event is to be conducted on a site and/or private land on which event activities are not currently permitted under the relevant planning scheme requirements, then you may require a separate planning approval. You are encouraged to call Council’s Planning Team on (03) 5755 0555 or email planning@alpineshire.vic.gov.au to determine if your event needs this type of approval.
  • Events risk management panel approval. Events deemed to be rated as high risk will be assessed by the Events Risk Management Panel. The Panel is made up of representatives from Council, Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria, Country Fire Authority (CFA), State Emergency Service (SES) and Alpine Health. Other agencies may be involved depending on the events proposed use of land/asset such as Parks Victoria, VicRoads and Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP). The Events Team will be able to let you know if your event is required to be assessed by the panel
External Permits, Approvals & Stakeholders

You may need other permits and approvals that fall outside of the Alpine Shire Council from the following authorities:

Promote your Event

We will automatically list your event on the Alpine Shire website. Please email us through at least 1 high-res image and a short blurb about your event. We also encourage you to Promote your event on the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW). Approved listings will be listed on locat tourism websites and Visit Victorias High Country website.

Ambulance Victoria

Ambulance Victoria strongly encourages all event organisers to consider possible Occupational Health and Safety issues with regards to their event, the general safety and wellbeing of the event’s participants and the safety of both the local and broader communities. The Ambulance Victoria Events team will conduct a risk assessment of your event to establish the most appropriate level of response for an event and if applicable develop a Health Emergency Management Plan.

Ambulance Victoria


Country Fire Authority (CFA) Victoria

An event taking place during the declared Fire Danger Period must comply with all fire restriction laws. Certain events with a large number of attendees in one location and/or taking place in remote areas such as National Parks may also have to consult with the Country Fire Authority (CFA) to determine appropriate emergency management plans in the event of a fire.

Events may require a CFA permit if planning to use fire in the open air during the Fire Danger Period or on a day of Total Fire Ban. 

Country Fire Authority Victoria


Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) - formerly DELWP

Any event taking place within a State Forest or certain Crown land locations may need to apply for a DEECA event permit.

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)


Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW)

Any events held on or near GMW waterways require an Event Permit. In the Alpine Shire this applies to Lake Buffalo and the surrounding recreation areas.

Goulburn-Murray Water


North East Catchment Management Authority (NECMA)

Works and activities in, under, on or over the bed and banks of designated waterways in Victoria require a NECMA Works on Waterways Permit. 

North East Catchment Management Authority



Any event involving live music, sound recordings (including background music) and/or music videos, may require a OneMusic Australia licence to cover the public performance copyright.

One Music


Parks Victoria

Any event taking place within a Parks Victoria-managed park, reserve and waterways is to apply for a Parks Victoria event permit.

Parks Victoria


Public Transport Victoria (PTV)

If you are organising an event which is likely to have an impact on public transport services, it is a requirement under Victorian legislation to notify PTV. The Events Team will submit these changes to PVT on your behalf, it is extremely important Traffic Management Plans are submitted 60 days prior to your event. 

Public Transport Victoria (PTV)


Victorian Liquor Commission

Liquor Licencing (temporary or ongoing) is required at events where alcohol is served. The Victorian Liquor Commission request that applications are lodged at least 8 to 12 weeks in advance.

Victorian Liquor Commission


Victoria Police

A Victoria Police Highway Permit is be obtained by anyone wishing to conduct a foot or bike race or similar (including rolling road closures) on a Victorian road. Applications must be made two months prior to the collection date. 

Victoria Police



Any event impacting a VicRoads-managed road or needing an exemption from Road Rules (e.g. road race or parade) must apply for a VicRoads permit.

Signage placed on a VicRoads-managed road will require approval from VicRoads by submitting a Memorandum of Understanding.

VicRoads requires a complete permit application to be submitted at least 60 days prior to the event commencing. As per VicRoads checklist documentation such as an Event Management Plan, including a Traffic Management Plan, Risk Management Plan and a copy of the Certificate of Currency will be required. Permits are processed at ner.enquiries@roads.vic.gov.au  or the centralised melbourne office vicroadsmetromoa@road.vic.gov.au.

VicRoads‐managed roads within the Alpine Shire include:

  • Great Alpine Road
  • Gavan Street
  • Delaney Avenue
  • Tawonga Gap Road
  • Prince Street
  • Myrtleford‐Yackandandah Road
  • Myrtle Street
  • Standish Street
  • Happy Valley Road
  • Kiewa Valley Highway
  • Bogong High Plains Road
  • Mount Buffalo Road
  • Buffalo River Road



WorkSafe Victoria

All workplaces (including event spaces) must comply with the relevant health and safety standards to ensure a safe work environment for employees and visitors.

Any person operating or releasing fireworks must hold a current licence from WorkSafe Victoria and submit a Notification of intention to discharge fireworks prior to the event. Notification must be no less than 7 days prior to your display.

WorkSafe Victoria - Fireworks

If you are hiring amusement rides please go through the Amusement ride hire checklists from WorkSafe Victoria to ensure the safety of both the equipment and the operator prior to set up and use.

WorkSafe Victoria - Amusement rides  


Alpine Shire Event Strategy Permitting Conditions

T10. Event categorisation and permitting conditions (extracted from Alpine Shire Events Strategy)

Event TypeKey CharacteristicsPermitting Conditions

Signature Event

One-off event likely to exceed 6,000 attendees

  • Are events of International or National significance
  • Generate state-wide, national and/or international publicity
  • Capacity to attract, interstate and international visitation
  • An event that has potential to have significant social, environmental and economic impact for the community (refer Table T9).
  • The event requires complex road closures and/or traffic management. May also include large infrastructure builds.
  • Expected to be a one-off event
  • Event attendance likely to exceed 6,000 people
  • Subject to a resolution of Council or decision taken under CEO delegation as appropriate.
  • Application timeframes will be determined on an individual basis, however 6 months prior to the date of the planned event is advised

High Impact Event

Event exceeding 6,000 attendees

  • Are events of National or State significance
  • An event that has potential to have significant social, environmental and economic impact for the community (refer Table T9).
  • The event requires complex road closures and/or traffic management. May also include large infrastructure builds.
  • Typically contributes greater than $5million into the local and regional economy.
  • Event attendance exceeding 6,000 people including a large proportion of interstate visitation.
  • Applications must be received minimum of 6 months prior to the date of the planned event
  • Not permitted over public holiday weekends
  • Not permitted to run in a township CBD over school holidays if road closures required.
  • Not permitted to run in Howitt Park and/or Centenary Park in Bright.
  • Mandatory referral to Risk Assessment Panel

Medium Impact Event

Event exceeding 1,000 attendees

  • Are events of State or Regional significance
  • An event that has potential to have considerable social, environmental and economic impact for the community (refer Table T9).
  • The event requires: some road closures and/or traffic management to change traffic conditions.
  • Typically contributes greater than $1million into the local economy.
  • Event visitation exceeding 1,000 people with the potential to attract interstate visitation but primarily attended by intrastate visitors
  • Applications must be received a minimum of 12 weeks prior to the date of the planned event.
  • Applications for events anticipating 2,000+ people must be received a minimum of 6 months prior to the date of the event.
  • Not permitted in CBD over school holidays or public holiday weekends if road closures required
  • Not permitted in Howitt Park and/or Centenary Park in Bright (if patronage exceeds 500 people at a time).
  • Discretionary referral to risk assessment panel.

Low Impact Event

Event attracting up to 1,000 attendees

  • An event that has reasonable social, environmental and economic impact for the community (refer Table T9).
  • The event requires: no road closures but may require some changed traffic conditions (e.g. reduced speed)
  • Visitation up to 1,000 people with the potential to attract interstate visitation but primarily attended by intrastate visitors.
  • Applications must be received minimum of 6 weeks prior to the date of the planned event
  • Not permitted in a township CBD over school holidays or public holiday weekends if road closures required
  • Not permitted in Howitt Park and/or Centenary Park in Bright (if patronage exceeds 500 people at a time).
