Our Customer Service Centre in Bright, as well as our libraries in Bright, Mount Beauty and Myrtleford, will be closed on Monday, 27 January 2025. We'll be back open as usual as of Tuesday, 28 January 2025. 

Open Spaces

We manage and maintain approximately 2,000 hectares of open spaces throughout the Alpine Shire, including a number of parks, gardens, reserves, and other open spaces for community and visitor use.

Necessary maintenance is scheduled based on intervention levels with inspections of parks and gardens undertaken regularly.

Managing weeds

Weeds pose a serious threat to agriculture and biodiversity in the Alpine Shire. Many species have the potential to reduce agricultural productivity, displace native species, threaten social values and contribute significantly to land and water degradation.

Council has prepared a Weed Management Strategy in order to prioritise important species to control. It is the responsibility of all land managers to control weeds.

Roadsides provide a ready means for invasive plants and pest animals to spread throughout the Alpine Shire, threatening parks, forests, and rural land asset values.

The Roadside Weeds and Pests Program (RWPP) prioritises the management of regionally prohibited and regionally controlled weeds and pest animals on rural roadsides in line with State and regional priorities.

For further information on weed management in Victoria, visit Agriculture Victoria.

Street sweeping

We operate one street sweeper on a regular basis, tidying each main township as often as possible.

Our street sweeper operators start in the earlier hours of the morning so that the streets and gutters are cleaned before vehicles start to park along roads, carparks and streets.

Naturally, the routine street sweeping schedule can be affected by mechanical breakdowns, staff absences, and wet weather. 

Autumn is a challenging time for the sweeper, as leaves continue to drop for up to 3-4 months. The sweeper can sweep a street or gutter in the morning and by the early afternoon it can appear as if nothing has been swept.

Our street sweeper operators work constantly to keep the streets clear, but we really appreciate when residents can help by:

  • Only raking the leaves from the nature strip into the gutter. Leaves from inside your private property need to be disposed of by you, and not collected and spread along the gutter. 
  • Making sure the leaves in the gutter are spread out evenly so the streetsweeper can vacuum them up without any blockages.
  • Report any large gutter blockages to us.