The contract for the Myrtleford Memorial Hall refurbishment, Budget Report - Quarter One Review 2024/25, and Essential Services Commission higher rate cap application were on the agenda at last night's Ordinary Council Meeting.
At the meeting, Council:
> Exercised the power conferred by Section 65 of the Local Government Act 2020 so that the Mount Beauty Senior Citizens Centre (MBSCC) Community Asset Committee (CAC) be formed.
> Noted that, in accordance with Section 47(1)b of the Local Government Act 2020, the Instrument of Delegation to the MBSCC CAC will be updated by the Chief Executive Officer following the endorsement of the membership structure of the CAC by Council.
> Awarded Contract No. 26083 for the Myrtleford Landfill Cap Construction Cell 1 and Cell 2 GITA Level 1 and CQA Inspector Services to Terra Firma Laboratories Pty Ltd for the lump sum price of $230,401 (GST exclusive).
> Delegated authority to the Chief Executive Officer to sign and seal the contract at the appropriate time.
> Awarded Contract No. 22023 for Myrtleford Memorial Hall Refurbishment Construction to Joss Facility Management Pty Ltd for the lump sum price of $1,238,636 (GST exclusive).
> Delegated authority to the Chief Executive Officer to sign and seal the contract at the appropriate time.
> Awarded Contract No. 2607101 for Gravel Road Reconstruction and Re-sheeting 2024/25 to Roche Excavations Pty Ltd for the lump sum price of $400,879 (GST exclusive).
> Delegated authority to the Chief Executive Officer to sign and seal the contract at the appropriate time.
> Received and noted the (unconfirmed) minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee meeting No. 2024/25-03 held on Friday, 6 December 2024.
> Approved the appointment of Julie Guest as the Audit and Risk Committee Chair for 2024-25.
> Received and noted the Budget Report – Quarter One Review 2024/25 for the period ending 30 Saturday 2024.
> Noted the potential impact to Council's future revenue as a result of a Ministerial change to the definition of a Service Rate or Charge.
> To notify the Essential Services Commission that Council intends to apply for a higher rate cap, to move revenue from the waste management charge to general rate revenue.
> Delegated to the CEO the authority to apply to the Essential Services Commission for a higher rate cap for the 2025/26 financial year.
> Received the summary of formal meetings of Councillors for December 2024.
> Signed and sealed five documents.
To read the agenda and attachments, visit:
The meeting recording can be viewed on Council's YouTube channel: