Funding available to support flood and landslip recovery and resilience

Together with the Australian and Victorian Governments, Alpine Shire Council is pleased to announce that funding is now available to support community initiatives through Community Flood and Landslip Recovery and Resilience Grant Program.

15 May 2024

Council recognises that the October 2022 flood event and landslip had a significant impact on businesses, groups, and organisations that provide integral services to communities in the Kiewa Valley.

Alpine Shire Mayor, Cr John Forsyth said that this one-off grant program gives community members the potential to fund new or existing projects.

"A range of activities are eligible for funding, including events that create opportunities for social connection and initiatives that prioritise community recovery capability-building," he said.

The Community Flood and Landslip Recovery and Resilience Grant Program is open to eligible businesses, community organisations and groups, social enterprises, and creative organisations. Funding ranges from $250 through to a maximum amount of $10,000. 

Community members must apply through the SmartyGrants online grant management system. This user-friendly system encourages efficient management of the grants process for Council.

Applications close at midnight on Sunday, 16 June 2024.

To find out more, contact Council by calling 03 5755 0555 or emailing

Apply now by visiting