Public bin services to increase across the Alpine Shire

Alpine Shire Council welcomes an increase to public bins across the Alpine Shire to meet demand during high visitation periods and accommodate new public amenities.

29 August 2024

Council approved a variation to an existing contract for public bins and amenities cleaning services at this week's Ordinary Council Meeting, which will see an increase to the services provided by SSX Group Pty Ltd, as well as the installation of new public bins across the Alpine Shire. 

SSX Group was awarded the contract in December 2023 following a competitive tender process.  

Earlier this year, Council and SSX Group undertook a review of public bin usage over a tracked period of time and recommended that changes be made to the current service.  

Alpine Shire Mayor, Cr John Forsyth, said that the need to increase services was identified through observations made by employees of both Council and SSX Group, in conjunction with feedback received via QR codes that have been placed on all public bins managed by Council across the Alpine Shire.  

"We know that, during high visitation periods, there is an increase in the levels of public waste across the Alpine Shire," he said. 

"We thank all residents and holidays makers that have used the QR codes to report issues, including full,  overflowing and damaged bins, directly to SSX Group.  

"While the increase in services and installation of public bins will have an impact, we encourage both community members and visitors alike to be mindful of how they dispose of their rubbish and take advantage of the high number of public bins available across the Alpine Shire." 

Community members can report issues by scanning the QR code located on all public bins managed by Council.