Construction set to begin on Dredge Hole Precinct Project

Construction on Harrietville's Dredge Hole precinct project is scheduled to commence this summer.  

28 August 2024
Major Projects

This project, funded by the Federal Government and managed by Alpine Shire Council, is a key component of the Alpine Better Places Harrietville Project, which began in 2020 with the goal of revitalising open spaces across the township. 

The community identified the Harrietville Walks Trail Head near Tronoh Dredge Hole as a priority during the early phases of the project’s Concept Design process.  

This area, located at the corner of Feathertop Track, will serve as a shared trail head for the Bungalow and Bon Accord walking tracks, as well as provide access to shorter loops around the Tronoh Dredge Hole and East Ovens Tracks.  

The project will improve connections to the town centre and address parking issues along the route, enhancing the overall functionality and amenity of the area. 

The project deliverables include a meeting plaza, day shelter, amenities block, picnic tables, designated car parking, landscaping, lighting, footpath connections, and wayfinding signage.  

Alpine Shire Mayor, Cr John Forsyth, said these elements have been carefully considered to develop the area without overwhelming the existing attractions, ensuring that the character of the precinct is preserved. 

"Council officers are working closely with a Project Reference Group that includes representatives from the Tronoh Dredge Hole Committee, Harrietville Community Forum, and the Harrietville Historical Society," he said. 

"The group’s input has been invaluable in guiding the project’s development, and we extend our thanks for their continued support." 

For more information on the key features of the project, explore the interactive map at