Funding & Support Programs

Council's annual Event Funding Program is committed to supporting a wide range of community and tourism events with the aim of strengthening communities, increasing visitation, and stimulating economies.

Council's Event Funding Program opens for applications in May each year. All event organisers wanting to hold an event in the Alpine Shire, including Dinner Plain, within the financial year are encouraged to apply for funding.

All applicants are strongly advised to read the Event Funding Program Guidelines and ensure they meet all the eligibility criteria prior to submitting an application. 

The assessment criteria for applications aligns with the Alpine Shire Events Strategy. Please ensure you are familiar with the funding criteria and permitting conditions for events held in the Alpine Shire before you apply.

Applications must be submitted online via SmartyGrants.

SmartyGrants provided a Help Guide for Applicants and Applicant FAQs on their website. Information provided includes how to set up a SmartyGrants account, how to navigate the application form, and general troubleshooting topics. 

Please note that any Council services required, including waste management and amenity cleans, permit fees, site fees, and facility hire fees, will be on-charged to the event organiser. Council does not provide any services in-kind. Please consider how this may impact your event and ensure the budget in your application reflects this. 

Please contact the Events team if you require any assistance with calculating these costs.

Event support with Krista Haurtiz

Council offers event organisers access to an online series of videos exclusively for the benefit of event organisers who are planning to deliver an event within the Alpine Shire.

This series is run by multi-tourism award winner, Krista Haurtiz. Video conference sessions can be requested via the Events team.

Sessions available on request are as follows:

  • Grant writing – myth busting and insider trade secrets
  • How best to use this time well – the action plan  
  • Dealing with a cancelled or postponed event
  • Event marketing during and post-COVID-19 
  • Taking your event into the future post-COVID-19
  • The 3-step business plan  

Frequently asked questions

When will I receive my sponsorship payment?

Sponsorship funding will be paid in two allotments of 50% as per the conditions detailed in clauses 4 & 5 of your agreement. You need to provide a tax invoice for the first payment to the Events team any time after your agreement is signed.

Your first invoice will be processed once your Event Permit has been finalised. As per Council’s terms of payment, this may take up to 30 days.

The second invoice should be submitted after your event along with your Post Event Evaluation and Acquittal form.

Please note that all sponsorship payments are exclusive of GST; do not include any GST amounts on your invoices.

Your invoices must be addressed to Alpine Shire Council for Event Sponsorship [YEAR-YEAR] and must include the following:

  • Business or organisation name (as per your agreement)
  • ABN
  • Email address
  • Bank account details Account name, BSB, and Account number
What can I use my funding for?

Event funding can be used for any expenses directly related to the running of your event including, but not limited to, advertising, printing, hire/rental fees, and operational costs.

Funds may not be used for administration costs, such as wages or to form part of any fundraising, donation, sponsorship, or bursary amounts offered as cash to third parties.

What are the terms of the Event Funding Agreement?

Please read your Event Funding Agreement carefully before signing to ensure you are fully aware of the terms and conditions of your Event Funding. All expectations and requirements of both the recipient (you) and Council are detailed within your agreement.

If you are unsure or need further information about anything within your agreement please contact the Events team by emailing or calling (03) 5755 0555.

Do I still have to submit an Event Permit application if I have a Funding Agreement?


This is a requirement for ALL events held within the Alpine Shire regardless of funding status. Event Permit applications must be submitted online via MyAlpine.

Your first sponsorship payment will not be processed until your Event Permit has been finalised.

Can I get another copy of my Funding Agreement?


Please contact the Events team by emailing or calling (03) 5755 0555.

How do I acquit my funding?

Once your event has been held, you will be able to access the Post Event Evaluation and Acquittal form by logging in to SmartyGrants.

Ensure you login with the same username that you used for the application.

The form can be accessed via the My Submissions link at the top of the page. If you cannot see the form, please contact the Events team by emailing or calling (03) 5755 0555.

As per your Event Funding Agreement, you have 30 days from the conclusion of your event to submit this form. Once the form has been satisfactorily completed and you have submitted your second invoice, the final payment of funds will be processed.

What if my event is cancelled or postponed?

As per Section 7 of your Event Funding Agreement, your funding will be forfeited if your event is cancelled. If you have received any payments prior to cancelling, you may be required to return these funds to Council. Depending on the circumstances of the cancellation, you may still be eligible for Event Funding in the future.

If your event is postponed and will be re-scheduled to a later date within the current financial year, then your funding may still be used for the event. This variation must be requested in writing and approved by Council.

If your event is postponed and will be re-scheduled to a later date outside of the current financial year, then your funding will be forfeited. You will be eligible to apply for funding in future rounds, however no guarantees can be given that your application will be successful or receive a similar level of funding.

No Event Funding allocations will be carried forward to future financial years.

Can I change the date and/or location of my event?


However, any changes to the event as originally described in the application must be made in writing to the Events team and will be subject to approval.

If your proposed change of date falls outside the current financial year, then your funding will be forfeited and you will be invited to re-apply for funding in future rounds.

No Event Funding allocations will be carried forward to future financial years.

Can I defer some or all of my funding for next year?


Event Funding allocations will not be carried forward to future financial years.

I missed the current funding round. Can I still apply for Event Funding?

No late submissions will be accepted. 

Out-of-round requests may be considered only in special circumstances if budget allows and the proposal is considered exceptional. 

Any event organiser seeking financial support from Council for their event is encouraged to apply during the funding round to increase the likelihood of success.

Successful event funding recipients

Follow these steps to finalise your funding

Sign your funding agreement

Sign the last page of the attached funding agreement and return this page only by the due date. This can be found on the last page of your agreement.

An original copy is preferred, however a clear scanned copy emailed to is also acceptable. A photograph will not be accepted.

An electronic copy of the full agreement will be provided to you after it has been co-signed.

Book your venue

Council has an online booking system in place for Council facilities and open spaces. If you have not already done so, please ensure you have booked your venue or open space area (e.g. Howitt Park) as soon as possible.

To make your booking, please visit our Facilities page and follow the prompts. Please note that payment for facilities with a hire fee must be completed within seven days of making your booking.

Use of open spaces (e.g. Pioneer Park) by commercial events will now incur a fee. Visit Fees & Charges for applicable fees and charges.

Submit your event permit application

Applications must be made via the online portal:

The Events Strategy details timeframes for the submission of relevant documents to Council (section 8.3, from page 32). The complexity of your event is what determines the timeframes for submission of the Event Permit application. Please ensure you are aware of the timelines relevant to your event including those set by other stakeholders such as VicRoads, Parks Victoria, DEECA and ACP. You can find more information about timeframes: Planning and Applying for a Permit

No funding or services will be provided until you have submitted all required documents for your Event Permit.

Provide your first invoice

Sponsorship funding will be paid in two allotments of 50% as per the conditions detailed in clauses 4 and 5 of your agreement.

Please attach a tax invoice for the first payment with the signed agreement. The amount will be detailed in the payment schedule within your agreement. Please note that all sponsorship payments are exclusive of GST; do not include any GST amounts on your invoices.

The second invoice should be submitted after your event along with your Post Event Evaluation and Acquittal forms.

Your invoices must be addressed to ‘Alpine Shire Council’ for ‘Event Sponsorship 2024-2025’ and must include the following:

  • Business or organisation name (as per your agreement)
  • ABN
  • Email address
  • Bank account details: Account name, BSB and Account number
Acknowledge funding support

As per Section 8 of your Funding Agreement, you are required to acknowledge the Alpine Shire Council as a sponsor of your event.

The acknowledgment should appear on your website (if you have one), advertising and social media (where appropriate) and any promotional materials for your event such as posters, flyers and programs.

To assist in acknowledging sponsorship and promoting the Alpine Shire to visitors, logos and further information can be accessed via Dropbox