August Ordinary Council Meeting outcomes

The Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report 2021/22, Alpine Shire Land Development Strategy 2024 and Alpine Shire Sport and Active Recreation Master Plans were on the agenda at last night's Council Meeting.  

28 August 2024

At the meeting, Council: 

> Agreed to become a member of the Taungurung-Local Government Forum 

> Agreed to hold the September Ordinary Council Meeting wholly by electronic means and update the Alpine Shire Council website accordingly 

> Adopted the Community Energy Prospectus 2024 

> Noted the findings of the Alpine Shire Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report 2021-2022 and the Alpine Shire Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Summary 

> Adopted the Alpine Shire Land Development Strategy 2024 

> Adopted the Sport and Active Recreation Master Plans for Myrtleford, Mount Beauty and Bright 

> Noted the current status of Contract No. CT26055 Mystic Park Management, Operations and Maintenance 

> Endorsed the submission of a grant application to the Victorian School Building Authority's 'Building Blocks Grants – Capacity Building' for the redevelopment of the Myrtleford Mountain View Children's Centre 

> Approved the variation to Contact No. CQ23019 Public Bins and Amenities Cleaning Services 

> Entered into a one-year contract extension with Belgravia Leisure Pty Ltd for Contact No. CT21070 for the provision of swimming pools, and management and operation of the Bright Sports Centre 

> Awarded Contract No. CT26058 Dinner Plain Entrance Civil Works and Landscaping to KR Hoysted Construction and Landscapers Pty Ltd 

> Awarded Contract No. 221010 for the refurbishment of Tawonga Memorial Hall to Joss Facility Management Pty Ltd 

> Approved the Sustainable Event Guidelines to support events held in the Alpine Shire 

> Updated instruments of appointment and authorisation under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 

>  Received and noted the unconfirmed minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee meeting No.2024/25-01 held on Friday, 16 August 2024. 

> Advised an applicant of a planning permit 

To read the agenda and attachments, visit:  

The meeting recording can be viewed on Council's YouTube channel: Ordinary Council Meeting - 27 August 2024

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