Freedom of Entry granted to the 4th/19th PWLH Regiment

12 September 2023

Councillors voted unanimously at the August Council Meeting to grant Freedom of Entry as part of the RSL anniversary celebration, to be held on Saturday, 28 October. 

The protocol and tradition tied to a Freedom of Entry ceremony requires that the soldiers march through town with bayonets fixed and swords drawn. Approximately 100 soldiers along with various military vehicles and horses are expected to take part in the ceremony.  

Alpine Shire Mayor, Cr John Forsyth said the offer to grant Freedom of Entry to the 4th/19th PWLH will recognise the long and distinguished history of military involvement in our region. 

"The 4th/19th PWLH has a long history and a close connection with the Alpine Shire and surrounds," he said. 

"This event will honour the local families of those who served in the Light Horse during World War I and World War II." 

The 4th/19th PWLH was deployed in the Alpine region during the recent 2019/2020 bushfires.  

Cr Forsyth said Freedom of Entry is the highest honour that can be bestowed on a military unit by the community. 

 "It is an opportunity for our community to recognise the valiant efforts and dedication of the soldiers who have protected our country and thank them for their service," he said.  

"Exercising Freedom of Entry is a long-standing tradition for our defence forces wishing to proudly enter a city with swords drawn, drums beating, and colours flying. 

"I encourage residents to come out and show their support for our soldiers as the 4th/19th  PWLH Regiment marches through the Bright CBD on Saturday, 28 October." 

Road closures will take place to ensure the celebration can take place safely for our community. This will include Ireland Street (6am -12pm both sides to Mafeking Square), Park Street and Bakers Gully Road (for a short period of time).  

Details on the ceremony and necessary road closures will be further communicated closer and prior to the event. 

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