Alpine Shire Council is in Election Period from 17 Sept to 26 Oct 2024. Restrictions apply to decisions, publications, engagement, and events. For details, visit: 2024 Council Elections 

Candidate Information Register 2024

Council acknowledges that all election candidates are entitled to access information held by Council.


Candidate Questions and Enquiries

An issue has been raised about the loose stones on the Back Porepunkah Road being created by the current works program – concerns were raised about the safety of road users.

In line with Council processes, this issue was raised with the relevant work area and a plan to mitigate the concerns was implemented.

A request for a copy of the recent Community Satisfaction Survey was requested.

Link to the Community Satisfaction Survey here:

Note this is publicly available on Council’s website. A printed copy made available on request.

Concerns regarding the lose of valuable play and community space, as well as safety issues created with such close proximity of cars and traffic to the school entrance. Query - I didn’t see the effect on the school when I looked at the plans. Was the school consulted?

The feedback has been noted and Council Officers are engaging directly with impacted stakeholders.

A request was made seeking the rules for lighting fires in open spaces.

Link to the Community Local Law 2019 here:

Note this is publicly available on Council’s website. A printed copy made available on request. Reference Part 2 – Council LandSection 2.1 Behaviour on Council Land, and Section 3.2 - Fires in the open air or in an incinerator. Please review and consider the Local Law before lighting a fire in an open space.

A request for a copy of the Alpine Shire Council Employee Code of Conduct

Copy of Conduct included here: Employee_Code_of_Conduct.pdf (


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